Sunday, September 25, 2016

Happy Sunday

Why is Summer so short?

I'm not ready for Fall and definitely not ready for Winter.

Have a great week ahead dear friends.  


Thursday, September 22, 2016

Like a fish out of water

I was born by the Sea

But our Lucy has never seen a big body of water like this.

She has her own ocean.

Without the scary waves.

Good thing her protector came along. 

I can't look.

It's all too much.

We rented a little seaside cottage in Gleneden Beach, Oregon.

How sweet is this! Local residents leave toys for children to take to the beach. 

I'm always so surprised to see how easily plants and flowers grow in the Northwest. 

Do you see those seeds under the log?
They came home with me.

Only in the Northwest. Why can't I grow this particular Hydrangea in our area? 

There will be a day when we go back.  But for now...

It's great to be home again. 

Wishing you a wonderful  weekend, 


Thursday, September 8, 2016

What to do

I know what to do with our Apples

Many varieties growing in our garden. 

I know what to do with our plums and pears.

I know what to do with our winter grapes

I know what to do with Greens from our garden.

I know what to do with sour cherries from our garden.

and red beets from our garden.

I know what to do with our peaches.

and our cabbages and eggplants.

I know what to do with our apricots

and with our onions.

But I don't know 

what to do with our Asian Pears. 

My tree is laden with fruit.

They are sweet and crunchy, great for salads.  

But they are not good for baking.  

Preserves are good enough, just not great. 

Should I buy a dehydrator? 
Have you tried to dry them, I haven't. 

Do you have a favorite recipe or idea.  

Would you share?  


Have a great remainder of the week dear friends,


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

We're coming up in the world.

We don't have many things.

But we have a new soda fountain and ice cream parlor. 

Scribbled on the blackboard is my motto
"Life is short eat desert first". 

The Ice cream parlor opened the same day the winners of the plein air competition were announced.  

Above is the  painting that took 1st place
and which garnered a $2,000 prize. 

2nd place winner $1,000.

3rd place winner $500.

There are many rules which apply and must be strictly followed by Artists who participate in the plein air competition. 

Rules require that artists paint outdoors. 

After the judging, all paintings are for sale. 
Friends of ours bought this painting for their country house. 

There was something for everyone.

My walking partner, Sophie Soprano, entered this painting. 

This Art Critique looks familiar. 

On the last day of the event, the Artist Studio Tour was part of the celebration.

 This bowl was the last piece out of my kiln and the first piece to sell.

It was a glorious day. 

Artists walked away, a few pennies richer.

Many visitors came and went.  

Our town is back to normal. 

I wonder if the ice cream parlor will survive.  

We stopped in and chose a BYU Creamery
 (Brigham Young University) 
chocolate ice cream.  

We will be back for more.  

Have a great week dear friends, 


Friday, September 2, 2016

We are celebrating, again.

Plein air Competition and Artist Studio Tour, Spring City, Utah.

The four day event will culminate tonight with the announcement of winners. 

Artists from near and far will have painted in 
en plein air for 3 days.  

While Pasha is taking it easy,

I have been painting lots of tiles for new kitchens.

A few new pieces are still in the kiln. 
If all goes well they will become part of the 
Artist Studio Tour Sale tomorrow afternoon. 

This is also the time of year when we are very busy harvesting and preserving.

And still bottle feeding Liesel who has been reunited with her cousin "Charming Hansel".  

I will show you photos of the winning paintings tomorrow. 

Wishing you a wonderful Labor Day weekend. 
