Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Flowers dried in Sand

A circle of Spring and
Summer flowers dried in sand and a sunflower seed head for the birds.
The sand from the Great Salt Lake is the perfect sand in which to dry flowers. It is an oolitic sand, a sand that under the microscope, has no sharp edges.

I use ordinary builders sand, 35 grit, available at any home builder supply. In order to preserve the beautiful colors of flowers, both the sand and the flowers have to be very dry.

Fill a large container with about 2 inches of sand. Cut flower stems to 1 inch from flower head. Place upright into sand. Now, carefully and slowly pour small amounts of sand all around the flower head until it is totally covered. Leave in safe place for 4 to 5 days. Slowly pour off sand. Voila! Keepsakes throughout the winter months.

1 comment:

  1. These are beautiful, Gina. I have tried this but with not much success. But you've inspired me to try again! – g
