Thursday, August 20, 2009

Meine Allee

It almost didn't happen. The plans were drawn, the site was chosen. Something about being land locked, something about the house being too far from Main Street. What if you have a fire? Will the fire department get to you in time? You have no power, no water, no natural gas.

With a lot of luck and a building inspector on our side, the construction was begun in November. We had contracted a fine young builder who worked with his crew throughout the winter. The following May, we moved in.

Now all that was left was the tree-lined lane to my house. A wish I have had since I was very young.

What kind of trees? They had to be columnar. I wanted Cypresses. They don't grow in Utah. There is a new species of Poplars. Thieves Poplars were chosen. The saplings came in bundles of 25. They fit into the trunk of my car.

Gene planted 100 saplings in two days, what a guy!

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