Thursday, November 12, 2009

Today is the Day

Today begins the 3-day historic tile Painting Workshop. I never know what my students will be like. I could have a genius amongst them . . . . we will see.

This is "my" desk at the Scuola d' Arte in Deruta, Italy. My very first attempt painting ceramics in the maiolica style. Nothing was familiar, especially the brushes. I have since been to many places in the world and have learned many new (at least to me) techniques and, hopefully, I will have the opportunity to learn many more.

Pictures of failures and successes of my students' work is forthcoming.



  1. It's wonderful that you're also able to teach what you've learned, Gina.
    I didn't know about that Scuola d'Arte. I'm sure we have many resources in this country that only foregners know about.
    While typing this, I noticed that you have a degree in Anthropology ... I do too!

  2. I wish I could be there taking the class :( I will be anxious to see the students work!! Please post them when you get the chance.

  3. Hi Francesca, Because you are an artist you would enjoy spending a day or two at the Scuola. Revered Maestro Romano Ranieri and Professor Nicola Boccini are wonderful and very patient teachers.
    And Francesca, isn't Anthropology a fascinating discipline? Won't make you any money but so interesting.


  4. Hi Barbara, I have posted a few pictures, first attempts at painting ceramics for my students. I am always so surprised and so pleased to see such great work from my students.

    I will post more pictures as they come out of the kiln.

