Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Peking Duck for Christmas ?

A European Holiday tradition - Duck a l'Orange

IttyBitty and Tilly

A car pulled up. Not so unusual. We have people coming down our lane all of the time. They usually ask silly questions.

A little boy was sitting in the back seat. Tears streaming down his small face. He was clutching a tiny yellow duckling to his chest.

You see, we have a very large pond behind our house.

The little duckling followed me everywhere. I named him "Ittybitty".

After spending a few days and nights in a warm box in our kitchen we decided that it was time to introduce him to the pond. We made a small enclosure of wire fencing, under a tree and partly in the pond. He knew immediately that this was the place where he should have been all along.

A long way away, clear across the pond, Tilly, our resident goose, was watching our every move. Tilly can be quite bossy. She likes to pick up ducks and toss them away from the feeding trough. She bosses the wild geese. She chases the dogs and cat.

She was churning the water to get to the tiny creature. I picked up a stick, just in case. Tilly swam to the wire fence, lifted it and claimed Ittybitty. From then on, the two were inseparable.

A few weeks later, the little boy came by to see his friend. He called and called for it. That was the last time the small boy came to see his duckling. It didn't know him anymore.

Ittybitty turned out to be a big and fat Peking Duck. She abandoned Tilly and took up with three beautiful Greenheads (Mallard Ducks). The Greenhead boys, always two on her left and one on her right, accompany Ittybitty to wherever she wants to go.

Ittybitty will not be Duck a l'Orange for Christmas or even the New Years Eve Dinner.



  1. Of course not! ... though duck a l'orange sounds wonderful (my mom used to make it for Christmas lunch)!

  2. Hi Francesca, how extravagant, Duck a L'Orange for Lunch! I do love this dish. However, I have to be a bit more removed from the source. What a coward I am!

