Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Books, Books and Books

Books! What can't you learn from Books?

I have an awkward corner in my living room and I have too many books. Solution . . . build a bookcase. Needed: a few two by eights for the bookcase, 2 inch molding for facing the shelves and pretend Greek pilasters, capitals and lintels from the home builders supply store. The last items come in 8 foot lengths (except for the capitals, of course) all made of plastic.

And now you need a willing husband with a few tools and lots of talent to put it all together. A little paint and a little antiquing gel and the bookcase looks like a million dollars, YES?

This bookcase is only 8 inches deep(hence the 2 by 8th). Most books don't even require that much depth.

As soon as I receive a new book, I take off the covers, don't like shininess and bright colors flashing back at me. Bookcases should have lots of books in them. Adding a few artifacts and maybe a painting make the whole scene much more interesting.

See my table in the hall? It is covered with lots of design books. I leave the covers on these books because they are works of art in themselves and it also identifies the book for a quick looksey. If you think these are all the books I own, not so, you should see the many books in my library. And, then there are all the technical and how-to-books I have down in the catacombs.



  1. I adore your cozy book corner. It's really gorgeous! I love books too and can never have too many tho i am also running out of space to store them. :) So happy i came to visit your lovely space from BYW. Have a lovely merry happy week and love to you!

  2. Dear Jacqueline, so nice of you to stop by and leave a comment. You live so far away and isn't it great that we can vist through cyberspace.


  3. I can see the orchid there, it looks lovely (and the bookcase too, amazing!)

  4. Gina, Your husband did a great job on the bookcase! It is beautiful and I love the small painting and all the accessories. I hope you have a fabulous time this week at your workshop and I wish I could be there. Maybe next time!

  5. YES! It does look like a million bucks! You forgot to mention TONS of painting ability *winks* Vanna

  6. Hi Sherry, Yes, maybe next time. While you are in Venice take a few pictures and then come and paint a few new dishes for your beautiful vignettes.

  7. Hi Lover, very little painting ability involved here. Faux painting is what you want it to be...not a tour-de-force experience.

  8. I Love and collect books. I would love it if you took a photo from an agle where we could see the titles and covers!


  9. Hello Jeanne, I have taken a photo of everyone of the books that you see on the table. Look for my post tomorrow. Thank you for your visit.

  10. Gina your home looks amazing! We have lots of books too, my husband spends his spare time studying art so he's collected many books over the years, yours are beautiful in the case you made. Well done.

  11. Hello High Street, Thank you for your lovely compliment and also, thank you for your visit. I would love to see the art books you have collected. Maybe you will share a picture with us.

  12. I love books. I get really uneasy if I don't have a new treasure to read...and carry at least one book with me wherever I go. Love the bookshelf!

  13. Gina, this bookcase looks like it has been around for years. I love it and love how you have it filled. The room is very cozy. I love it!!

  14. I'm inspired by how you decorated the book shelves. The way you finished them turned out wonderful!
