Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Collage of Life

My dear Readers, are you wondering what these posts are all about? Well, I'm in school. In a blogging school (Blogging Your Way). Our assignment for this week?

A Collage

You can see that my Life is full of travel, gardening and ceramics and animals. Every now and then a picnic and a bottle of champagne rounds off the picture.



  1. Beautiful colors and images~ Lovely job

  2. This is a lovely collage - I think it really coheres well and it looks like your blog too!

  3. Your collage is so pretty and decorative, with so much history and culture... I love it! :) Wini (BYW)

  4. Msartist, Melanie, Michelle, Katie and Wini, I have had a peek into all of your blogs. What talent each and everyone of you possess! I am so impressed. My computer is going to evaporate in self defense.


  5. ...wonderful pictures...you can feel your personality inside...lovley...thanks for sharing...cheers ines

  6. Gina, I am really impressed. Your choice of images leads me to believe you live a life rich in beauty and culture...an appreciation for the finer details. I find your board inspiring. Thank you.

  7. Wonderful picture choice! So much detail!

  8. Gina that is really nice -- very transporting! Nicely executed! :)

  9. Wow, Ladies, Frau Heuberg and Rebecca I am overwhelmed to receive such wonderful praise, when I see so much talent amongst this wonderful group of bloggers.

    Thank you Leslie and Holly, praise is so appreciated coming from you especially, such experts.


  10. Gina, absolutely beautiful! A rich and beautiful tapestry of colors and images.

  11. Beautiful collage, reflecting a beautiful life! Picnics and champagne - what could be more perfect? :)

  12. Dear Renee and dear Kendalee, your comments are so appreciated. I love this BYW group, everyone so supportive. All of us know that every comment is very important.


  13. What a colorful life! Painting tiles, feeding the chickens and going to Venice - what else does one need? Cheers, Gina!

  14. Dear Frau Mayer, and then there are all of those free range eggs to eat.
    Happy Super Bowl Sunday to you.


  15. Gina, You may remember me (Angelica Smith) from ebay when I purchased many tiles from you as well as one of the very large tile murals and a smaller tile mural (vase with bouquet of flowers with bee, dragon fly and butterfly- I remember you did not think much of it but I loved it!) Anyway, Rudi and I moved up to Magalia and lived there for a year and then the very bad wildfire (Camp Fire or also known as the Paradise Fire) came and burned down our home and everything in it. I came across your work again and saw my things online and made me cry! I am interested in replacing a couple of things if I may. Please contact me angel1955.23@gmail.com at your earliest convenience. I see you are doing very well and I am so happy for you! Thank you, Angelica

  16. Hi Angelica, Thank you for contacting me. I sent you an e-mail.
