Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Cloche

From the Medieval Latin clocca meaning Bell

The French probably developed the glass cloche. It is formed from a solid piece of glass. The cloche protects plants from the cold in your garden. In the house, it can showcase a rare and special plant. It can also be used as a food cover. Chocolates, fancy cakes, or cheeses come to mind.

When you bring in your daffodils do not mix them with other flowers at first, but let them stand in water for a few hours. Daffodils exude a very sticky substance which will clog the stems of other flowers. Who can resist a bouquet of daffodils and the exotic Rembrandt tulip?



  1. As always, your posts are terrific and I enjoy reading them!! You are an inspiration :)

    I have created a blog as well and would love to have your feedback! You can find me at Please subscribe and leave a comment. Also, I have listed you on my blogroll :)

    Thanks, Gina!

  2. Hi Barbara,
    Congratulations!. Great Blog. Thanks for posting the lyrics, it was fun to sing along and learn the pronunciation of new words.

  3. You're so knowledgeable about flowers, Gina. I do hope you'll share some of it with us! Love your glass cloche. Sticky substance or not, the daffodils looks so pretty under there!

  4. Hi Francesca,
    Learning about flowers is such a pleasure. It is amazing the little secrets one can glean from books on plants and flowers.

    For instance, did you know that if you want to hasten blooming of flowering branches, all you have to do is enclose them in a plastic bag with cut-up apples.

    Happy Sunday

  5. Hi Gina!
    Wow... You are so wonderfully talented. I've been looking through your blog and I'm just Gobsmacked. I've already been to your Etsy Shop and I am just drooling. I'm your newest follower! I'm giving my husband a link to your Etsy shop for Christmas :) Have a wonderful week!


  6. I love to learn something new every day...very interesting to know about daffodils. I will keep this in mind! I love your sturdy glass cloche, and your blog is very interesting.

  7. Your cloche vignette is absolutely lovely!

    I hope that you will stop by and enter my giveaway.

    Also, I have begun a new meme entitled Wayfaring Wednesdays. Link up your trips and favorite excursions.

  8. Beautiful I love your figurines, they are gorgeous and the flowers are stunning. Such lovely displays. Thanks so much for joining the party. Hugs, Marty

  9. Oh, how pretty your cloche with the daffs is! I didn't know that about them.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. Fabulous cloches! I love the figurines inside one of your pretty cloches...what are they, did I miss something?! I like them all, and everything you've displayed inside them! Happy Cloche Party, hope you come by. Lots of hugs. FABBY

  11. Hi Karen, what a perfect compliment. Thank you for becoming a follower. It is so appreciatd. Gina

  12. Hi Oliva, The world of flowers is interesting, isn't it. Thank you so very much for your comment and welcome to my blog. Gina

  13. Hello Laura, Wayfaring Wednesday, what a great idea. I will most certainly link up to it. Thank you for your visit.

  14. Hi Marty, I know nothing about those figurines except that I purchased them from an elderly couple in an antiques shop. I've been trying to know a little more about them...they are so intrigueing.

  15. Hi Shelia, Thank you for your visit. Your comment is so appreciated. Please come by again.

  16. Hi Fabby, I know very little about the figurines. They are very old and made of wood. I think that they are Egyptian but don't know for sure. My Athropology professor thinks that they come from the Far East.

  17. Great looking cloches. The figurines are wonderful! Your flowers are beautiful.


  18. Two beautiful cloches. I like the figurines very much but the one with the daffodils is my favorite.
