Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Exploitation of a single design element.

My charming friend Georgianna Lane 
(visiting her blog is a truly uplifting experience) commented in my last post that she "loved the pattern in the outer ring" of my new ceramic bowl

That border and those patterns pictured here are all based on one design element.

See the yellow shape in the lower right hand corner? All border designs are based on this one single shape.

Do you recognize the shape in the lower left picture?

I never know where a shape will take me. I just begin and a new design is born.



  1. I find this just fascinating, Gina! The repetition of that element can create such variety and unify the whole design. I'm so impressed that you can keep the consistency of the shaping and spacing, too. Thank you SO much for the lovely mention and link to my blog! :) – g

  2. YUM..I want to spend all afternoon going through your blog.. belle cose!!

  3. Welcome Karen. Nice that you are visiting and have become a Follower.

  4. Dear Georgianna, Thank you for your lovely comment. You always make my day. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Escher would be proud of you! LOL! You have taken that design and morphed it many times into wonderful designs.

  6. Escher and I have one thing in common, our love for anything Italian. Isn't it interesting how we can be so influenced that it will change our lives.

    Have a wonderful weekend Theresa.

  7. Dear Gina,
    As always, I have been reading your blog and admiring all your wonderful designs. I have also been trying to figure out a time to visit Utah to take a class from you. But, alas, I don't think that I can wing it this year and I wanted to tell you so that you don't think that I had forgotten. It is still very much on my wish list, but this summer and fall have turned out to be very full with family celebrations and obligations, as well as some previously planned vacations. This is all good, but I really would have liked to have been able to come out to see you. But believe me...the first opportunity I get, I will certainly make it a priority. Until then, I will admire your art work from afar....

  8. Dear Barbara, you are welcome any time. Because you are so familiar with Italian Maiolica I think that you would very much enjoy creating your own. It is not so difficult. Just keep the idea on your back burner and come for lessons when you can.
