Monday, July 12, 2010

Firenze Flea Market

My very first purchase while traveling Europe on $5 a Day

It has been repaired many times. Recently, I spotted the same candelabra in an open air market while driving to Tarquinia, Latium, by the Tyrrhenian Sea. It just didn't feel right to replace my first purchase from Italy.

It has been many years, yet I still remember the sunny, sunday morning at the Florence Flea Market.

Do you remember your first purchase from an Italian Flea Market?



  1. Oh Gina, this is a tough question ! I've been 3 times in Italy but if i remember well i never crossed a flea market there...
    Your find is exquisite!
    Have a great creative monday!

  2. when i was 17 and i could not at all figure out the money, buying a little marquetry box for 17,000 lire or something like that - what i thought was a mere $2 but turned out to be $20 (a fortune to me then) but i still have it, and it's gorgeous!

  3. I actually do remember my first purchase from an Italian flea market. It wasn't from the $5 a day era but I still loved it. BTW, we always used Europe and England on $5 a day. I can't believe it was ever that cheap but my Mom still has her copies and sometimes for fun we go through them and see how cheaply we used to find the best B&Bs and meals! – g

  4. Hi Lala, I should make more of an effort to know when certain flea markets are taking place in the little towns of Italy. They are always so lively and interesting. I know that you enjoy visiting flea markets and I also know that you have found some very beautiful pieces.

  5. Dear Lynne, your comment made me laugh. I remember those in the "Thousands of Lire" days. I never knew exactly how much anything was. Finally figured it out by dropping all the zeroes.
    Even though your treasure turned out to be more expensive than you thought, it has now become a very special memory. Isn't that what traveling is all about?

  6. Dear Georgianna, So true. I remember when we didn't have the money to purchase much in Italy or other parts of Europe. I do remember the favorable exchange rates and I wish that we had kept some of our receipts. Often, while having a glass of champagne, we talk about the "good old days". Now, I am just so happy that we can still travel and enjoy the great scenery, wine and food even if it is only for 2 weeks out of the year.

  7. Love your post--I can only dream! Thanks for sharing your beautiful photo.

  8. Hi Pennies, If you don't have a passport yet, hurry andget one. For some reason assoon as you own a passport you are on your way.
