Monday, October 11, 2010


Colors, patterns, spices, visual overload, humanity, that is Morocco

One of many beautiful artifacts collected by Maryam for her "Peacock Pavilions"  Riad in Marrakech, Morocco

Peacock Pavilions, a boutique guesthouse, a  peaceful oasis, just outside of Marrakech

One of the Peacock Pavilions'  bedroom walls, stenciled by "Royal Design Studio"

The Medina
Take time to have a fabulous lunch at the "Hotel Restaurant French" You will find it at one of the corners of the Djemaa el Fna.

On the way to the High Atlas Mountains, on the outskirts of a small village, a market day was in full swing.

Put on your glad rags and have lunch at the La Mamounia

After a 3 year renovation, the legendary Hotel La Mamounia has reopened.  It was completely redesigned by Jaques Garcia.  We stayed at the Mamounia 25 years ago.  I liked it better then.  It had more charm.   So much marble this time and so dark. 

I kept falling off and on to the thick carpets.  I did like the six handsome young men, dressed in all white flowing robes, opening doors for me every time I approached.

Next stop Paris



  1. Your photos are incredible GIna! So rich with pure color and light.Glad you are having a wonderful sure and browse the books in the gift shop of the Decorative Arts Museum...many treasures in there!

  2. What a trip!
    Keep 'em coming- they are fabulously rich photos.


  3. Beautiful all the way ! ah..the charms of Marrakech... :-)
    Have a great time in Paris, Gina !

  4. Hi Theresa, I did find a fabulous book at the Decorative Arts Museum. It was in French, very expensive and very heavy. I didn't buy it and now I am sorry.

  5. Hi Ann, Morocco is a feast for the eyes and senses. Sometimes a little overwhelming and one has take a breather in an "open" spot.

  6. Hi Lala, You know Marrakech and isn't it a fabulous place. Wonderful scenes and color everywhere. What I loved most of all is that people were friendly and happy to see us.

  7. I can imagine it was a color and texture extravaganza, almost too much to take in! I felt like that in Peru last year but Morocco looks like it tops even that. And Peacock Pavilions! Thank you, thank you for this tour. I have no idea when I'll get to Morocco so this is a wonderful treat, Gina. xo – g

  8. Dear Georgianna, Peru is just as fantastic, only in a different way. There will be a day when either place will be more difficult to visit. Hope you can plan your trip soon.

  9. You have such a way with pairing images in a lovely manner -- it speaks to your creative eye. Thank you for the beautiful information as well! :)

  10. Your welcome Regina. And thank you for your lovely comment.

  11. Dear Francesca, You would love Morocco, hope you get to go there soon. People were friendly and charming.

  12. Oh my goodness - a dream of a place!

  13. So much eye candy...the colors are gorgeous!!!

  14. Omigosh, what an incredible post! I LOVED all the beautiful patterns, and it was so wonderful to see Morocco through your lens!

  15. Oh I'm sorry that it changed so much and not for the better. Still, what a wonderful world this exotic and such deep, rich colors.

  16. Hi Pondside, We loved Morocco. One of the Housewifes shows will air several segments about their visit to Morocco. Hope we get to see a lot of scenery.

  17. Hi Thoughtfully, Norocco is definitely a feast for the eyes.

  18. Dear Mary, My wish would be that everyone could experience Marrakesh. It is so exotic and so full of life and color. I want to go again.

  19. Hi Vee, The La Mamounia Hotel is a Landmark in all of Morocco. Some visitors might not agree with me. Sometimes I resist changes. If you have an opportunity to visit the hotel, you really should. It is magnificent.

  20. Oh I have always wanted to go to Morocco. So lovely!

    Thank you for linking up!

  21. Gina, I was in Morocco as a 16 year old in 1976 traveling with my parents and a girlfriend. Your pictures bring back a lot of memories and I can almost smell the way air did on my 3 day visit! Ann

  22. Wow what amazing colors. Great pictures!
    Visiting from WW.

    Jocelyn @

  23. Hi Laura, Morocco is fascinating...hope you get to go one of these days. Thank you for letting me join your party.

  24. Hi Ann, you are right. Once you have visited Morocco you can never forget it. Thank you for your visit.

  25. Hi Jocelyn, Morocco is all about color...a feast for the eyes and senses. Thank you so much for making such nice comments. It is so appreciated.

  26. Gina, we spent a week in Marrakech five years ago. It was an amazing week of new experiences for us. We had a wonderful time and will never forget our time in this beautiful place.

  27. Oh my, this is quite the visual feast! All your pictures are gorgeous and vibrant. Thank you so much for sharing.

  28. Hi Sarah, I agree with you. Marrakesh is a fascinating place. I would like to visit again.

  29. Hi Terri, Oh, you are so nice. Thank you for your compliments and your visit. You almost can't go wrong when taking pictures in Morocco.

  30. I CANNOT get over all of your beautiful images. It is like I am there!

    Thank you so much for linking up!

  31. We visited several years ago, it was with a tour guide that bearded us like cattle, not my type of visit. Maybe someday we can go back and get the right guide. Glad you have good memories of your trip. Blessings, Debbie

  32. Gina, we spent a week in Marrakech a few years ago. It was a fabulous vacation. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous images. They bring back some wonderful memories of our own trip.

  33. What an incredible experience. Your photos capture so much!

    - The Tablescaper
