Monday, October 18, 2010

Simple Pleasures

Happiness is coming home from an extended vacation and finding your Garden NOT FROZEN

I like my carrot juice straight ... straight from the Garden

You can tell how healthy your soil is by the way your carrots grow. These are perfect, so are the rest of the vegetables.

Delicate Nasturtiums still blooming

And Molly Rilestone Sweet Pea, always perfection.



  1. Hello Gina! Your garden looks so lush and colorful still!

  2. Funny, I've never grown carrots. I don't know why.
    I'll try next year.

    Your garden is so happy. Tell me about your soil- what do you amend it with? We use leaf humus and manure.

    Sounds like your vacation was lovely!


  3. Dear Francesa, I remember your vegetable garden of last year...those gorgeous brussel sprouts sprouting from a rock garden on a side hill. What a sight.

  4. Hi Ann, We use the same as you do, however, in addition, we also incorporate well aged alfalfainto our soil. The kind of alfalfa that is not good for animals because it has mildewed a bit.
    Try "Nantes" carrots. The seed is easily available in the Spring. Carrots need a lot of judicious watering, other than that, they are very easy to grow.

  5. What utterly GORGEOUS photography, Gina! Beautiful work.

  6. Dear Yvette, Thank you. Your comments make me SO HAPPY.

  7. How beautiful and what a relief to find your garden doing well after being away! That is always a point of stress for me. Lucky you to make your own carrot juice. You truly have an idyllic garden, Gina, and your photographs are really gorgeous. - g

  8. Dear Georgianna, I have said it before, you have helped me, without knowing, to become a better photographer. I have learned so much just from reading and admiring your blog posts.

  9. Happy Fathers' Day from RetroCollage! Free gift! Subscribe & receive a free Fathers' Day Instant Ancestors collage!

  10. Beautiful! Our nasturtiums are still pretty small, but they`ll give pleasure with their blooms well into October.

  11. Your carrots look yummy. You do have a lovely garden . Beautiful photos.

  12. Beautiful mosaics. Yours do look very healthy, the bunny ate all my tops off:(

  13. How lovely your blog is with all the colourful photos. I am really enjoying your wonderful posts.

  14. Beautiful garden, Gina. I love sweet peas and carrots! Happy Monday.

  15. Hi Retro Collage, you write a very interesting blog...I will have to spend a little time reading and getting to know you. Thank you for visiting my blog.

  16. Hi Pondside, I started to grow nasturtiums in my greenhouse so that I could have flowers in the winter. Thank you for your visit and comment. It is so appreciated.

  17. Hi Eileene, I noticed that you are a Saggitarius. We have that in common. Thank you for visiting my blog.

  18. Hi A Garden of Threads, It's not too late to start more carrots...just grow them under a board that is slightly raised by a brick under each end. Good Luck and thank you for your visit.

  19. Hello Ingmarie, The admiration is mutual. I enjoy visiting your blog. Your photography is outstanding.

  20. Hi Snap, It won't be long and the new crop of sweet peas will be on. Come on over and we will raid the garden.

  21. Lovely! :) You make even carrot juice look yummy!


  22. Hi Liz, Carrot juice IS yummy. I guaranty that you would like it and it is so good for you. Have you tried it? Thank you for your visit. Please come by again.

  23. What a lovely post. Your carrot collage is so nice. Makes me actually want to give carrot juice a try. Your Princess Diana Sweet Pea is so delicate and sweet. It fits her namesake beautifully. You nasties are pretty, too. Your carrot are great so guess that is why your garden is producing so well. Have a nice week. Genie

  24. What gorgeous colors in each photo! Carrot juice certainly doesn't get any fresher than that. I had no room for carrots or I'd be doing the same thing. I have a juicer as well. I envy your Nasturtiums. I cannot grow them no matter how hard I try.

  25. Hi Genie, Yes, give carrot juice a try. It really is delicious...unless someone talks you into drinking it mixed with parsley and onion juice and who knows what all else. Beets with carrot juice is also delicious.

  26. Hi Pattie, You can always buy a few carrots at the health food store and make your own juice. I'm surprised about your nasturtiums not growing. May have to give them another try. They are so very easy to grow.
    Your photography is outstanding...especially your food photographs. Hope you visit again.

  27. Just lovely! What could be better than sweet peas and nasturtiums???

    Thanks for joining the garden party,

  28. Hi Gina...

    Ahhh...your flower gardens are sooo pretty, Gina! I love the tree stump planter full of nasturtiums...gorgeous! Thank you for sharing your beautiful flowers with us for the Sunday Favorites party this week...I'm also glad that they didn't freeze while you were away!

    Have a wonderful week, my friend!
    Chari @Happy To Design
