Monday, October 25, 2010

There is still time

Come join us

For an intensive 3 day ceramic tile painting workshop beginning Thursday, November 4, 2010, Ephraim, Utah.



  1. I would SO love to attend, as you know, Gina! Thank you for your kinds words on my last post and oh, my, how wonderful to have that Italian bowl. I'm amazed it matches the little pitcher which I found in a thrift shop. Thank you, thank you, Gina! xo – g

  2. Dear Georgianna, The little bowl is only 5 and 1/2 inches in diameter and I found it on ebay. But it is exactly the same pattern and I am only too happy to send it to you.

  3. You'll make the best teacher!

  4. Dear Francesca, I love teaching. I love teaching young and old alike. I'm always so pleased to see what beautiful work my students create.

  5. Hola Gina, me encanta tu cuaderno , casi todos los dias lo miro , porque me entusiasma pintar azulejos y decorar la ceramica que hago.tambien me gusta las decoraciones orientadas o parecidas a las antiguas, aqui en españa , tenemos mucha tradicion arabe ,( de cuerda seca), pero a mi en especial que gusta mas la realizada a pincel, sobre cubierta,
    te vuelvo a dar mi enhorabuena.
    recibe un cordial saludo. Rosim.

  6. Hola Rosim. Muchas gracias por su felicitacion. Yes, Spain has a very old tradition of the cuerda seca technique. A technique quite different from Maiolica but just as beautiful. Thank you for your visit.
