Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Day after Christmas

Yearning for Peace

Bearing the Olive Branch

Offering the Olive branch with pure thought

The secret is knowledge

Virgil (70-10BC)

High on the stern Aeneas his stand,
And held a branch of olive in his hand,
While thus he spoke: "The Phrygians' arms you see,
Expelled from Troy, provoked in Italy
By Latian foes, with war unjustly made;
At first affianced, and at last betrayed.
This message bear: The Trojans and their chief
Bring holy peace, and beg the King's relief."



  1. Yes, the secret is knowledge. I also believe that one learns from beauty in nature. They go hand in hand.

    Happy Second Christmas Day, Gina!

  2. Peace and love to you, dear Gina..
    Enjoy the beautiful spirit of Christmas!

    ps: yes, you got it right, it's a pomegranate tree..i thought this tree also looks beautiful in winter
