Saturday, December 18, 2010

Too much is not enough

That's my Motto and I'm sticking to it

It said so on the inside of a pair of shoes I owned

The shoes are long gone but the Motto has stuck

Merry Christmas



  1. Your home is glorious, Gina! Sumptuous, elegant, a feast for the senses. I imagine it smells heavenly, too. I thought of you yesterday as I found some clear glass balls at a local craft store. I have no idea what I will do with them but at least I have them now!

    I've gotten the dining room decorated and that's all so far. I'll be doing more this weekend but then will say enough and just enjoy the final days before the holiday.

    Wishing you and your husband a very Merry Christmas!! xo – g

  2. Gina,

    You crack me up!

    And I agree- your home and talents are gorgeous!


  3. haha, I like your motto:)! Too much is ok when it's tasteful, and tastefulness is a difficult art. As Giorgiana said, your house is a feast for the senses, and a celebration of the beauty and joyfulness of color and nature. I love how you display your fruit, I'll have to work on my fruit bowl!

  4. Dear Georgianna, Perfect, you bought the glass balls. Next step: purchase "Americana" acrylic paints in small bottles. White, yellow, green, red, orange, blue and brown will do. And a small artist/watercolor brush. Now start with dots.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours, dear Georgianna.

  5. Dear Ann, You provided me with another chuckle...great way to begin the day.

  6. Dear Francesca, In our climate flowers can be very expensive. So, I decorate with mostly fruit thruought the winter months. Fruit lasts longer than flowers and one can always grab a healthy snack.

  7. That top arrangement is bordering on being a Flemish painting! It is fabulous! Tony Duquette (and I) are proud of you!!

  8. Dear Theresa, You are much too generous with your compliments, but I love hearing them. I agree with Tony Duquette that "More is More". However, even I have to take a vacation from myself, now and then. Have you noticed the new RED that is making the European Tour?

  9. Hi Gina...

    What a beautiful Christmas mosaic, my friend! Your home is soooo beautiful all dressed up for Christmas! Thank you for sharing it with us for the Sunday Favorites party this week!

    Warmest wishes,
