Friday, February 18, 2011

I'm leaving

Because it snowed again last night

Karin of LaPouyette has Hellebore blooming in her garden.
Sharon of my french country home has Snowdrops blooming in her garden.
and Georgianna of Georgianna Lane has Daffodils blooming in her garden.

 I do have Nasturtiums blooming in my greenhouse

 More snow yesterday, but our pond is beginning to unfreeze

I can wait for Spring a little longer because I also have Geraniums blooming in my greenhouse

And Martha Washingtons

Look what's growing on my Frilly Echeveria Cactus stalk.

Do you remember when I so ruthlessly decapitated my Echeveria last November?

Now I will have a dozen or more new cacti.  Would you like one?  It's yours for the asking.

I have Hellebore growing in my garden, still asleep under 2 feet of snow
The above picture was taken last May

And I have orchids blooming in my house

Between visits to my friends, and flowers blooming in my greenhouse and an occasional champagne picnic, while cross country skiing, I think that I will manage to wait for Spring to come.

Have a lovely weekend, my dear blogging Friends



  1. You have the green thumb I will never have! What a wonderful greenhouse. Your landscape photo is breathtaking with the mountains in the distance. I think with all of this beauty around you, Spring can wait!

  2. I would love to pick up some Echeveria cacti, how far is your house from Ogden?

  3. Dear Sarah, It doesn't take a green thumb to grow geraniums..they grow by themselves. My greenhouse is a very simple affair. It is heated by the sun only.

  4. Hi Ido, It would be about a 320 mile round trip. In about 2 months the small Echuveria can be plucked from the stalk and planted into gravely soil.

  5. Don't mind the trip, just to meet you and see your beautiful house and alfalfa field, ahhhhh, may be in the spring, when everything is green and beautiful.
    Have a great day.

  6. Gina, I must have this variety of hellebore!!!!

    Do you know the name? And how lucky you are to have a green house with so early flowering geraniums!

    Very beautiful post, and the landscape with the slowly unfreezing pond looks stunning! The world can be quite 'nice' and peaceful in white, although we're all awaiting the warmth of sunny spring (its gray, dump, coolish and foggy here again.

    Herzlichen Gruss nach Utah

    And really, thank you very much for mention me in your post, so thoughtful!

  7. Hi Ido, Memorial Day weekend is always a great day to come for a visit. The entire town is open for visitors. I'll save a few Cacti for you.

  8. Hi Karin, The Helleborus you like came from a Wallmart Garden shop. It had no name. I try to purchase plants when they are in bloom so that I can see the color and shape of the flower.
    I'm always so glad when our pond begins to unfreeze, I constantly worry about our animals falling through the ice.

  9. You make winter sound wonderful! I do envy your greenhouse. Happy weekend!

  10. Having so many flowers blooming, especially at this time of year, has to make you happy!

    I'm waiting for the stephanotis to bloom. In my studio, the oleander and jasmine are still blooming away. My reward for watering all winter!

    Happy weekend, Gina!

  11. Such beautifully vivid photos! The colors are what we all need right now. Hurry up Spring!

  12. Oh dear, Gina. I'm sorry you had snow again but truly, if there is a place on earth where it would be great to be snowbound, it must be your gorgeous estate. :) xo – g

  13. Dear Francesca, I love your brussel sprout recipe. Never thought of including anchovies. I will give it a try.

  14. Dear Ann, I still remember your post about your citrus trees which you move inside during the winter. Did they survive? Your jasmine and stephanotis must give you the illusion of being in some exotic land.

  15. Dear Georgiann, And we had even more snow during the night. To be expected this time of year, so I should not complain but be grateful so that the Farmers will have enough water for the coming growing year.
    Have a wonderful week!

  16. Dear Theresa, Yes, hurry up Spring. I'm glad that I'm not alone in wishing for warmer weather and a bit of Spring color.

  17. Dear Gina,

    much thanks for your comment in my blog. Oh, I´m so proud of me that I´m now able to make my own photo mosaics. Photoscape is so easy to use.
    Your geraniums are absolutely beautiful and the echeveria is gorgeous. I have never seen that sort of echeveria. I have an echeveria too in my very little greenhouse and it is still blooming. The quality of your pics is impressive.

    Have a nic week my dear,


  18. Dear Tanja, Being able to tweak our photographs is a lot of fun isn't it. I also like Mosaics because I prefer close-ups and single images. I wish I culd send you one of these little Echeverias. It was sold to me as a "Lettuce Leaf Cactus". That was about 5 years ago. Now I have many, many more.

  19. Dear Gina,
    I received a lovely Tuscan jug for my birthday. It made me think of you and your beautiful work.
    I wanted to know if I could share your site on my blog. I'm new to public blogging and not completely sure of the etiquette.
    Thank you,

  20. We're so lucky that nature gives us something beautiful to remain hopeful. (Haven't forgotten your lovely compliment and will respond to it next week.)

  21. Gina, your photographs are just stunning! And your snow every bit as beautiful as the spring flowers.

  22. Wow! what beautiful photos. Spring is right around the corner, so hang in there.

  23. Have a wonderful holiday, Gina!...champagne picnic sounds very nice ! :-)

  24. Dear Priscilla, that is a very nice jug from Deruta. You are welcome to share my blog on your site. I thank you for the honor and also thank you for asking first.

  25. Dear Ursula, Thank you so very much for your comment. It brightens my day to hear from each and every one of you.

  26. Dear Karen, Thank you so much for your compliment. I'm very flattered to hear such praise.

  27. Hi Kevin, Welcome and thank you for visiting my blog. Thank you also for giving me such wonderful compliments about my photographs.

  28. Dear Lala, Thank you for the good wishes. We did have a great holiday. We visited friends who live with sunshine, flowers, the sea and acres of blooming citrus trees. It was the perfect reprieve from all this snow (more snow coming.
