Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Venice "Cooking School for Lovers" at the Gritti, Part II

And so we danced


There was no orchestra, there were no musicians


We danced in the Grand Ballroom of the Ca' Rezzonico, Venice, Italy

Ca' Rezzonico was, for a short time, the home of Robert Basset Browning, whose father, Poet Robert Browning died there.
John Singer Sargent and Whistler rented a floor or two.
In 1927 Linda and Cole Porter lived in part of the Palazzo.  They paid $3,000 for the privilege.


We were given a private tour of the Palazzo.  To visit Ca' Rezzonico is to truly understand and get a glimpse of life in Venice in the 18th century.
The Palazzo was the home of the Rezzonico Family.


Reconstructed Tiepolo Room at Ca' Rezzonico

Today it is the home of the Museo del Settecento.  It retains the feel of an old Venetian Palazzo, packed with period furniture and tapestries in gilded salons.  It even has a restored apothecary complete with powders and potions.


The Palazzo is adorned with Frescoes by Crosato, Giambattista, Tiepolo and other notable painters of the time.


Tiepolo, "The meeting of Anthony and Cleopatra"

Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton were given a Masked Ball at the Ca' Rezzonico.  They danced in the Great Ballroom... to
orchestra and musicians present

Bruegel the Elder

It startled the security guards (who were hired for our private visit to the Palazzo) and it surprised our guides as

Gene and I took a turn around the grand ballroom floor, humming a Viennese Waltz

Now back home, before we do more damage, to the bar at the Grand Gritti Palace Hotel



  1. Absolutely incredible! I'm so glad you danced! One day we will go back to Venice and I'll think of you waltzing in the ballroom. :)

  2. Gina-
    Did you really dance there?
    You go girl! I love it when people do spur-of-the-moment things. I mean- why not?!


    P.S. Nice place! ;]

  3. Wow. I am in awe of your experiences. I had a lovely time reading and enjoying your photos. These are things I enjoying viewing but do not know very much about. Thank you and enjoy!

  4. Rebecca - who's sitting next to me doing her nebulizer - says she really likes the lady in long dress in the first image!:)

  5. Dear Georgianna, Isn't Venice one of the most beautiful places in the world? I don't know what I like best, the city or the lagoons.

  6. Hi Annie, Yep, we really did dance all the way around the the amazement of the staff...we took them by surprise.

  7. Hi Sarah, You never know, one day you may head for Europe and Venice is a good place to visit first.

  8. Dear Rebecca, I am so happy to hear that you like the Lady in the long dress. I have seen you wear some pretty special outfits your mother has sewn, knitted and crocheted for you.
    But the best news is that you must be feeling a little better. I hope that you continue to improve and can soon go outside for a little sunshine.

  9. Looks fabulous. A person (or two - or four) ought to go there.

  10. Hi Christine and hello Steven, Will September work for you?

  11. What great pictures ! They really lift up my Friday.

    Lets dance!

    Bon weekend - karin

  12. Dear Karin, Thank you for your comment. It is always lovely to hear from you. Loved your post on Helleborous.

  13. Hi Gina, What a wonderful experience! We leave for Venice in August and your pictures make me wish I could go now. Thank you for sharing this at my party and I hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day.

  14. Dear Sherry, I posted this just for you. I knew that you were going to Venice soon.
    Happy Sunday to you.
