Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What to give your Valentine

"Stories from a time when food, love and music were the essential parts of life ..." (
Foreword Keith Floyd)

A rich collection of scandalous stories of love and passion
Carol Payne

"Doreen dreamt she lay in the Brassicas with her Gypsy Lover..."

"But today she was excited for she was meeting Bertie Floyd and they were going for a walk down by the Tidefork river.  He was going to show her how to tickle a trout..."

"Shortly after this event Betty was packed off to London to stay with her aunt..."

"Queenie grew up to be a smashing looking girl, a bit wild like her mother, a lover of life and men..."

"She came from a poor Cornish family, so poor that Amy was made to wear underwear made out of flour sacks, which were printed with red, bold letters 'THE FINEST FLOUR'..."

"She was a proud plump woman, well respected in the village..."

I leave this charming little book in our guest cottage but each time our guests leave I have to fits so easily into their luggage

Book available at Amazon



  1. no wonder, this charming little book disappears when your guests leave :-)
    Gina, i caught up with the Venice Gritti's simply wonderful ! thank you for the lovely recipe, one day i'll try it !

  2. The illustrations are priceless and exuberant, and so is the title!

  3. Just delightful, Gina!! Oh, your guests have it soooo good! xo – g

  4. Dear Lala, Let me know how your Gritti Valentine Heart turns out.

  5. Dear Francesca, I checked with Amazon, this little book is still available and for under $1. I might have to order a few more so my guests don't have to feel so guilty about taking them.

  6. Dear Georgianna, You would appreciate the little stories within this book. I posted only a few snippets, the stories are much longer and slightly naughty and funny.

  7. A very beautiful post Gina, Thank you!

    I love the pictures and this book went 'tout-de-suite'on my wish list.

    Nochmals ganz herzlichen Dank fuer die 'introduction'!

    Viele Gruesse nach Utah - karin

  8. Forgotten to mention - I particularly love the picture of Doreen, surrounded with "Wirsing" and the snoozing cats!

    By the way - Wirsing ist unser "Lieblingskohl"!

  9. What a delightful book, these illustrations are delicious. Thanks for your kind comment

  10. Oh! stunnin' artwork.

    I missed the Gritti recipe, must read backwards.

    Wanted to stop by to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for the delightful Baker's Dozen bags! The arrived to much curiosity, an I could not be more tickled.

  11. Dear Aunty Belle, You are so welcome. You won them fair and square. You will be surprised to see how many uses these little bags have.

  12. Hi Karin, the Wirsing picture is also my favorite. There are more favorites in the book but they were a little to risqueto publish on this blog. When it comes to favorite brassicas Ich muss sagen das ich immer noch liebe den Spitzenkraut. Es ist gerade richtig fue mein Sauerkraut.

  13. Dear Sharon, Please check your e-mails from me of about a week ago. I would like to send you something and need your address.
    Wishing you a great week.

  14. Hi Gina,
    musste lachen, als ich Spitzenkraut las! It is called 'Spitzkohl' and the best is the 'Filderkraut', just outside Stuttgart. One can also find it in some parts of the Alsace.

    It's rather funny with Wortverdrehungen. Spitzenkraut waere eigentlich als Kohl mit Spitzen (laces!) zu interpretieren.

    Have a lovely weekend
    und herzlichen Gruss - Karin

  15. Dear Karin, I have also given it another name: Zuckerhut. Whatever it is I have to go to all kinds of trouble to get the seeds every year. Now I remember that it is called Spitzkohl. Thanks for setting me straight. Now I have to find the seeds for 'Filderkraut'.

  16. Beautiful pictures, kind of naivistic but better.

  17. Hi Ian, You're right. Maybe that is the appeal.
