Sunday, April 17, 2011

New Discoveries

Every Year I make a new discovery

This winter I discovered that I can grow Icelandic Poppies in my unheated greenhouse

Now I can add Poppies to my sky blue Petunias and orange and yellow Nasturtiums

Poppies of many colors

There is always something blooming in my greenhouse, always enough to brighten the dinner table.

And in my Garden?  There have been a few snowdrops

And today, my very first Daffodils

Have a wonderful Sunday, my dear blogging Friends



  1. I like your Icelandic Poppies, Gina — the texture of their petals reminds me of crepe paper, though I haven't seen crepe paper quite as bright.

  2. Hello Gina,
    I wanted to leave a comment after catching up with your past postings, but i keep being side tracked. I'm making progress though. I just wanted to say that I'm a huge fan of your work and your lifestyle. Your colourful flowers are so welcome at this time. Up here in Ontario, the flowers are too scared to come out yet, the cold weather is quite the bully to us all.
    Looking forward to your wonderful blog.

  3. Dear Mark, Looks are deceiving aren't they. Poppies look so fragile yet they are very tough.
    They will last many days in water if you first singe their stems over a flame for about 10 seconds.

  4. Dear Anyes, Welcome. How nice of you to visit and thank you so much for your compliments. I know how you feel. If it wasn't for my simple little greenhouse, I would want to move further south. My spring flowers are like yours, they are scared to show their faces.

  5. Beautiful! So cool that you grew the poppies in your green house! A greenhouse is on my dream wish list!

  6. I'm sure your greenhouse is a magical place, Gina! And I love Icelandic poppies. Happy Easter! xo – g

  7. The most beautiful poppies! What else can I say?
    Herzlichen Gruss - karin

  8. Dear Sena, My greenhouse is a simple affair but it is amazing what I can grow in it. Thank you for visiting my blog.

  9. Dear Georgianna, I can just imagine what wonderful photos you would take using poppies as your subject. Have a lovely Easter, dear friend.

  10. Liebe Karin, I love all poppies but my favorite is still the "fobidden Poppy", papaver somniferum. Their lavender-purple colors are outrageous.
