Monday, April 25, 2011

Want to be admired?

Instant Hero status with this amazing "no knead bread"

It was a success the very first time I tried it

I've been baking it ever since, only 4 ingredients required: flour, yeast, salt and water.

How do you feel about  blog posts  accompanied by music.  Do you find it distracting or do you welcome it?  I would like to know.



  1. Hi, Gina - Recipes that are so easy that 4-year-olds enjoy making them certainly catch my attention! And the result looks very tasty indeed.

    I'm glad you asked about blog musical accompaniments. When they happen automatically, I find it irritating, and usually leave the site immediately. I will click on YouTube and musical links, but I would prefer that they be my choice. I think that part of that has to do with blog-reading being a very focused activity, and almost any soundtrack then becoming a distraction.

  2. I agree completely with Mark. I either leave or, if I find the subject particularly interesting, I mute it. Not only is it distracting but often of such poor quality. I prefer your method of presenting a choice, and I appreciate the quality of your selection.

  3. Hi Mark, Could not have said it better! Couldn't agree more. Thank you very much for your comment.

  4. Hi Prcilla, Thank you for commenting. I have wondered how other Bloggers feel about background music.

  5. Hello Gina, usually, i turn it down as i rather concentrate on the blog itself, and in this case on this gorgeous bread ! :-)

  6. Dear Lala, My sentiments exactly. I hope that you try this very easy and so delicious bread. I just pulled a loaf out of the oven minutes ago. Hot bread and fresh butter...a glass of wine would have been nice but I need to paint.

  7. I usually have the volume off, so I never notice any music or beeping sounds!

  8. I have wanted to try Mark Bittman's no knead bread ever since I first read his recipe in the New York Times. You make it look even more desirable!

    Regarding music, I prefer the way you offer it.
    On the other hand, I know of one blog where I always look forward to hear French chansons. So there, it depends, I guess. Anyway, Nabucco's Prisoner Chorus is indeed beautiful.

  9. Dear Francesca, That's the best way.

  10. Dear Merisi, I use an eight grain mixture inside the towel...less messy than flour when you toss the dough into the covered pot.
    I first heard Nabucco while watching the movie Tango. The melody has never left me.
