Saturday, June 18, 2011

Books in Detail

One of my charming readers, a lover of books and a book collector,  wanted a closer look
She noticed  my books on the Hall Table from an earlier post

If you love books...the world is at your feet

When we are not traveling I can pick up a book and pretend

Design and Food is always a favorite subject 

Add a few French books and more books about Italy

Italian and French Interiors

The book in the middle, by Margaret Mee, is a very special book about an amazing woman and her adventures while painting and searching the Amazon for rare orchids

French, American, Italian, English, and Swedish, no one is safe

If you would like more information about any of these books I would only be too happy to oblige

Another favorite, second from the left, about a house in Apaseo Mexico, depicting baroque architecture of the 18th century

Books that inspire

And books that give you the Wanderlust

It's a good thing that this is a very sturdy table

Have a great weekend my dear Blogging Friends



  1. What a compilation! As I've told you before, I think you have a wonderful and interesting life living in that alfalfa field! xo,

  2. Oh I love this post, Gina - what a great idea to show us your books! A few of them I have too, and seeing some others have inspired me to go look them up on Amazon. I think if I came to your house I might never get past that hall table :))

  3. Whenever I see bookcases in style magazines, I always check out the books, and here you've made it that much easier for me! I think I could spend a week or two enjoying your library, particularly the books on Tuscany. My current book-buying is gravitating more towards the Italian Renaissance.

  4. Just looking at all your books gives me wanderlust! A feast of gorgeous publications I would love to curl up in your guest house with. :)

    Very coincidentally, I was just looking at that same French Country book yesterday with my Mom and sister (we have the series), oohing and ahhing all the way through. Why can't we find tubs like that in America? xo

  5. we have similar taste....many of the same books! I do love the table as well.Your house is just wonderful!

  6. Aahh-haa!!

    I see that you also have this disease! Yeah!! I love it when others do as well!

    I confess- I have 2 other weaknesses- for paint supplies and for plants. I am sunk if I go to an art store or garden nursery, lol.

  7. Hi Barbara, Our Alfalfa field was just cut yesterday and the nick of time, it rained all day yesterday.

  8. Hi Karen, ...and then there are the many books on flowers and flower arranging. You just might have to come for a visit.

  9. Hi Mark, I do the same, always interested in another book. I especially like going to bookstores in Italy. And what about the many interesting books one can purchase in Museums all over the world.

  10. Dear Georgianna, You are the lucky one, you get to travel and photograph beautiful scenes and flowers...and you call it work. Have a great week, dear Georgianna.

  11. Dear Theresa, We do have a lot in common, except age, I have a few years on you.

  12. Dear Ann, A disease? Maybe. I make no apologies. Paint supplies, yes, especially my powder pigments I bring back from Italy. And flowers and plants, and books thereof, definitely. Ann, you would love my collection of books on Decorative Painting. I will take a few pictures and show them in one of my future posts.

  13. Books - Books - Books! It looks 'a bit' like on our place!
    Very good post with beautifully captured photos!
    You are an artist, Gina! No doubt!

  14. Up-date to my previous comment:
    Found a few 'friends' amongst your stunning collection!

  15. Dear Karin, Aren't books wonderful. So much we can learn from them or just find a good spot and sit down and take time out to enjoy only the pictures.

  16. Oh I could just sit at your table for hours if not days, Gina ! your selection of books is amazing, the one which i think i'd love to find is Living in Portugal...
