Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Green Anthology - Win a Prize

My dear Blogging Friends
You are much too clever
That is why this contest is a bit more difficult

The first Blogger who identifies all 6 plants correctly will win a special prize

Please identify in the order in which they appear

If you can identify all 6 plants correctly you will win one of my extra special hand painted Tiles

Good Luck



  1. Well, this is a good idea, but if the 1st person knows all the correct answers, don't they automatically appear in the comments?

  2. You're right Splenderosa, then the first person wins. In other words, this little contest could be over with in just a few minutes.

  3. Gina, I really had no hope of guessing any of these, but the first one I would say, might it be okra?? the fourth I would say tomatillos? the fifth oregano???

  4. Dear Barbara, You are the only one brave enough to give it a try. And I thank you for that. The plants are no exotics. They are all quite common...but I don't want to say more or I'll give it away.

  5. Oh Gina, not a 'sleepless' weekend!

    Just had a quick look and at the moment I can only guess:
    1. Schnittlauch? or something similar?
    2. no idea with this slightly prickling stem
    3. looks very familiar to me and I'm pretty sure that I know, just cannot get the name, yet.
    4. Johannisbeeren? I'm sure for 90 %
    5. Sellerie? Maybe?
    6. Stachelbeeren?

    Anyway, I'm sure that all these plants are vegetables and fruits, knowing you!
    It's getting exiting again.....will sleep over and than have another look tomorrow.
    But maybe the lady from Leipzig is quicker.
    Herzlichen Gruss,

  6. Dear Karin, Keep trying, I would love to send you one of my tiles. I haven't heard from the Lady from Leipzig. Everyone else has given up, I think or is tired of my games.

  7. 1. Italienische peperoni? actually that was my first thought.
    2. must be a kind of berry. Leaves are a bit similar to Brombeeren
    3. still thinking, I know it's sitting in my head, can't get it out.
    4. Johannisbeeren and 6. Stachelbeeren, pretty sure!
    A demain,k

  8. OK- I'll take a stab at it. No Latin names, though!

    Garlic scape
    Dock (rumex)

    Are all of these grown by you? !!

  9. Hi Annie, You did it. Spot on! Every single plant identified correctly. Congratulations.
    I grow everything but my neighbor brought the garlic scape...she thought that it had a most interesting shape and I could use it in one of my blog posts.
    I'm sending you an e-mail.
