Monday, June 20, 2011

Yes, You Can

Paint Ceramics

I will show you how

Join us July 15th and 16th, 2011, for an exciting workshop in Spring City, Utah

All you have to do is show up

You don't have to go to Italy because I have been there

and I will teach you what I have learned

I have given away my guest cottage to the first student who signed up

However, another guest cottage is available just over the fence and up the street ($85 a night)

Susan's Cabin

Two can sleep in Susan's beautifully restored cabin

A total of only 4 students accepted

Once you have learned how to paint tiles you can paint plates, bowls, cups, murals and more

Hope to see you in Spring City
Please contact me through my Etsy shop



  1. aauuuurrrgghhhhh!!!! That is just me screaming because I can't come! Have a wonderful time!

  2. Wish I could be there. Whoever bags Susan's cabin is the second luckiest person in the world (after the even luckier fish who will be in your guest house!). Enjoy!

  3. Don't rub it in Gina, you know if I could have I would have!!! Wait til next year when the Leo arrives at your studio! :) xo,

  4. Do you have place for me?????
    Im looking for a ticket...PLEASE pray for me!!!!!
    Big hug from Brazil!!!!

  5. I'm so excited, Gina - I can't wait!!!

  6. When you left that lovely comment over at my place today, I just knew you were someone I needed to know! Italian tiles, artist, living in the middle of an alfalfa field. Sounds very Italian to me.
    I'm your newest follower. xx's

  7. Dear Theresa, I know that one of these days you will come this way and we will paint up a storm.

  8. Hello Karen, Wouldn't it be nice if we could just snap our fingers and voila, oceans have disappeared and we could sit and paint.

  9. Hi Barbara F. I know how much you like ceramics...and maybe, one day you will paint your own.

  10. Hi Vera, Of course I have a place for you. You can have the grand suite if you come all the way from Brazil.

  11. Hi Jacki, Teaching others how to paint ceramics is such a rewarding experience. I look forward to your visit. You will be amazed at your own talent.

  12. Hi Splenderosa, Your blog posts are splendorous, always. Have been your follower for a long time and have enjoyed and have looked forward to your fantastic jewelry designs and special images. Thank you for becoming my newest follower..I am so pleased.

  13. So lovely blog you have!!!!
    beautiful photos!!!!
    I am coming back soon!


  14. wow! you are sooo talented!!! just beautiful.

  15. Saw your comment on Joni's blog and came over to take a look! Wow 5 stars. I love your blog too, added it to my favorites. For some unknown reason blogger will not allow me to sign in... Vicky at Room Service ~ Decorating 101

  16. Hi Kathrine, I'm so glad that you visited my blog and thank you for your lovely compliment. Yes, please visit often.

  17. Hi Joni, Have admired your beautiful blog for some time. I'm so flattered and pleased to see your comment. Thank you for your visit.

  18. Hello Vicky, Thank you for your visit and thank you for becoming a follower..I am so pleased that you like my blog. That's what keeps all of us blogging.
    I don't know why blogger can't fix the comment problem. I have to uncheck the "stay signed in" box to post comments.
