Friday, July 1, 2011

Congratulations, Annie of PlumSiena

We have a winner

Congratulations! Annie of PlumSiena

Ann, you really know your plants.  I have noticed before that you are quite the accomplished gardener.  You have so many talents.  Ann is also a very fine Artist.  Many of us, who follow Annie of PlumSiena,  wouldn't start the day without first checking her posts.

Young Hops

Annie's Answers

1. Garlic Scape
2. Hops
3. Bubleurum
4. Currants
5. Doc, rumex
6. Gooseberries

Additional Information

1. Garlic scape, Knoblauch
2. Hops, Hopfen
3. Bubleurum, Hasenohr, Green Gold
4. Currants, Red Currants, Johanisbeeren
5. Dock rumex, French Sorrel, Sauerampfer
6. Gooseberries, Stachelbeeren

Karin of LaPouyette who lives in the Perigord region of France, had most of the plants identified.  That is why I'm supplying the names she listed.  They are in German.   Karin, you were so close.

Thank you Barbara, Karin and Annie for making this another fun experiment.

Annie, I will send you an e-mail so that I can find out which of my hand painted tiles you would like.



  1. Thank you, thank you very much!

    I confess, Pieter helped me with the gooseberries and currants, so I am offering him the tile choice. It fits right in as Pieter, being a Dutchman, was raised with Delft tiles and loves them dearly.

    The only reason I knew the hops is because we have it growing over Pieter's studio entrance, where we can enjoy the hops "flowers" in the early fall.

    Thanks, Gina!

  2. Hi Ann, Let me know what designs, in Dutch tiles, Pieter would like. I will paint a special one or I might have one already.

  3. Congratulation to Ann!
    The currants and gooseberries were easy, the hops I would never found, the garlic was in my mind, actually my first thought was Baerlauch or Schnittlauch, then a 'undeveloped' peperoni....
    The Sauerampfer, oh yes I should have known, I was just confused about the height of the plant (or proportion). And the Hasenohr: Well, I knew that I've seen this one, funny enough it grows all over at our place and get treated as a Unkraut!!! But never heard the name Hasenohr! So, learned something new.
