Friday, September 2, 2011

Mon Bouquet du Jour

Para usted de mi jardin

From our Garden

Gather a variety, whatever looks interesting.

When working with heavy vegetables and fruit, a little extra support is necessary.

Florist picks with attached wires come in handy.

Florist tubes, filled with water, hold flowers a little longer.

Rub a little olive oil onto eggplants, prevents them from drying out.

Stop by your Florist or craft store for all of the above items; you'll be glad you did when it comes time to design your holiday arrangements.

It only takes a few minutes to put together when you have everything at hand.

Even the lowly turnip.

Our garden is bursting with produce.  In between painting sessions I'm canning whatever is ripe in our garden.

I'm still painting for the "Artist Studio Tour", September 10th.  

Thank you, my dear friends.  I am reading all of your sweet comments.  Please know that I appreciate you more than you will ever know. 

Have a great weekend my dear Blogging Friends.



  1. Hi Gina! OH, that centerpiece is beautiful!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. What a fantastic arrangement, I want one! I am going to put it on Pinterest, if I can? I would love to taste some of your homemade jam, too, the jars are so beautiful. xo,

  3. Again - a very uplifting post, while here, because of the drought, nothing is flowering anymore.
    Your 'still life' with vegetables and fruits is absolutely wonderful and stunning!

    Herzlichen Gruss und schoenes Wochenende,

    P.S. Are you leaving soon for your German-Swiss-Italy-Trip???

  4. gina , tu decoraciones ceramicas son preciosas y
    tus composiciones frorales o frutales tambien preciosas . te felicito por tu gran talento .

  5. Hi, Gina - Every time I see the fruits and vegetables of your garden, I am reminded of a splendid Flemish painting. All we need to complete the picture is a butterfly perched on that eggplant!

  6. Gina, thank you for all these tips for making photos of beautiful, bountiful harvest time look their absolute best.

    Wish I had a garden producing said harvest, but will try to remember your wonderful advice for that future golden garden harvest.

    What a great eye you have!

  7. I'm with Mark- just like the Flemish paintings! I soa dmire you for planting, harvesting and canning so much!

  8. This is a stunning arrangement, Gina! It is a beautiful and artful vegetable array. Thanks for giving us tips on how to do an arrangement like this.

    I am so pleased that you linked to Potpourri Friday and helping to make it a success! I appreciate you and hope you will link up again next week!

  9. I adore that you used such unexpected elements in your arrangement. It's lovely!

  10. There is a few things in life that really make me smile and that is making floral is beautiful...

  11. Thank you for showing the behind-the-scenes view of the arrangement. I'd love to make such an arrangement for our Thanksgiving table in October, and I believe I could do it, modeled on yours.

  12. Delightful photos.

    Please come and take a peek at my Mellow Yellow, have a lovely evening.

  13. What a beautiful center piece.

  14. How pretty that is Gina! I love a produce centerpiece. The turnip is great!
    Thank you for joining me at HSH!

  15. Omigosh what a fabulous arrangement!!! Thanks so much for sharing your talent at MM. :)

  16. Oh my goodness! I would love to copy cat that centerpiece. It's just beautiful.

  17. Those are so healthy..

    Visiting from MYM!

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