Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ad hoc

Karen, one of my students, paints every day.

Karen owns a little book into which she paints every day...with watercolors.

When Karen came for a visit in late Summer, I sent her home with vegetables from our garden.


On her next visit Karen brought a charming little book filled with her beautiful watercolors.  She had painted the vegetables from my garden.

Why not paint these pretty images onto ceramics, I suggested.

Karen also brought her 76-year-old Mother.  Her Mother had never painted ceramics.
See the lovely fruit plates her Mother painted.

Don't you love practical and useful items which are also beautiful.



  1. Yes I do, Gina.
    These plates are simply lovely and tell your student and her mother that I could easily live with them!

    herzlichen gruss, karin

  2. Dear Karin, When I come for a visit next september I'll bring a few supplies and we can paint a few masterpieces for you.

  3. Holy moly, these are spectacular!!!! I would so buy these......they are sooo talented. Are they considering selling them? They should, just beautiful!

  4. Are you offering blank plates like the fruit plates painted by Karen's Mother when you offer classes? Those really set off the beautifully created fruits. You are an excellent teacher. I have been suggesting your workshop to many of my friends, hoping one or more may take me up on attending/driving down from Oregon one day.

    Mary in Oregon

  5. Hi Hanna, You would be so welcome.

  6. Hi enchanted home, Everything is for sale. I'm so glad that you like these wonderful bowls and dishes. When you learn how to paint them yourself...they cost so very little.

  7. Hi Mary, I supplied the plates, the patterns,the pigments and firing. I always give my students many choices.
    By the way, I'll be teaching a 3-day workshop at our local college November 6th through the 8th of November. It's a very intensive workshop, but not difficult.
    Let me know if you would like additional information.

  8. Gina, beautiful and useful items give such pleasure, it always surprises me that some many products are not very beautiful or useful. Wasn't it William Morris that wrote about surrounding ourselves with beauty united with function?

    Your student and her mom have created lovely ceramics...what a fine teacher you are!

    Best wishes.

  9. WOW! I'd say Karen and her mother have made instant heirlooms!

  10. Hello Frances, When something is beautiful and practical at the same time we have ourselves a winner.

  11. Hello Mark, It wasn't so long ago when I admired hand painted ceramics from Europe and always thought it would be too difficult to learn how. Karen and her Mom are perfect examples of what can be accomplished when given a little push in the right direction.
