Sunday, November 27, 2011

Now comes the long Winter

The last of the fruit has been harvested.

Only a little color left.

Still growing along a protected wall.

A few Anemones and a few frozen Interlaken grapes.

There will be cozy evenings by the warm fire.

Soon our Pond will be frozen over.

Our Fields will be covered with a thick blanket of snow.

And yes, there will be Picnics at the end of our cross-country ski trail.

Happy Snow Days.



  1. That was a quick look ahead - what a beautiful view, and an inspiration in this season of Advent.

  2. Beautiful photos, as always. The reflection one is fantastic. xo

  3. You really make me want for some snow and cozy fires and marshmallows roasting on a stick collected in the woods!

    Your pictures are outstanding, una fantasia autunnale che bacia l'inverno!

  4. Stunning pictures! I specially love the one with the reflection, it's outstanding. Thanks for sharing. FABBY

  5. Oh ja, der Winter ist im Anzug! Jedoch hoffentlich noch nicht hier bei uns!

    Wunderschoene Photos. Wuensche Dir noch einen schoenen 1. Adventssonntag liebe Gina,
    herzlichen Gruss, karin

  6. Gina, I am also a fan of wintertime, but right now am amazed that our afternoons in New York are having temperatures over 60 degrees F. So it's very strange to already see Christmas trees for sale at stands all along various avenues. Just seems a bit too soon.


  7. Long winter, indeed. I don't enjoy winter. But ensconced in your amazing home, it would be delightful!

    xoxo – g

  8. Wonderful and colourful photos. You are a marvelous photographer. Have a fine week.

  9. Oh Wow, your photos are gorgeous. The scenery and sky are stunning. Thanks for sharing, have a wonderful week!

  10. Gina, your photographs are always so beautiful! I know I've said it before, but so many of them remind me of the richest Flemmish paintings. I almost expect you and Gene to be wearing ruffs!

  11. Hello Pondside, How nice of you to come for a visit. And a happy 1st Advent to you.

  12. Hi Barbara, Thank you for your very nice compliment. Cold and winter comes early to Utah. I'm not quite ready. Hope you're staying warm.

  13. Hi Merisis, Would love to follow you around to some of your favorite (and mine) coffee houses of Vienna. A slice of Sachertorte and a fine cup of coffee sounds wonderful right now.

  14. Hi Fabby, This time of year we get some of the most spectacular sunsets. Thank you for your sweet comment. It is so appreciated.

  15. Liebe Karin, Das ist ja richtig. Gestern war der erste Advent. I have fond memories of "waking up ein Raucher Maenchen" for the first advent and the smell of the incense is still very vivid in my memory.

  16. Hi Frances, I would be happy with temperatures in the sixties for a few more weeks. We are not that lucky. Thank you for your visit.

  17. Thank you Mary for your visit. It is so appreciated. Stop by again when you can. Gina

  18. Dear Georgianna, Lucky you! Your winters are not as severe. Your gift to us of beautiful gift tags is so appreciated. They are truly little works of art. Thank you.

  19. Dear Ingmarie, I am so pleased that you liked the photographs of my last post. It is mutual admiration. This compliment coming from a fine photographer that you are, means a lot. Thank you.

  20. Hello Eileen, I am so pleased that you liked my photographs. We do have the cleanest air and the bluest skies around here. We are lucky.

  21. Dear Mark, You did it again! English not being my native tongue, many unfamiliar words come across my cyberspace. Wearing ruffs? Now that I looked up the meaning, your description is hillarious. Have no ruffs but a few lacy tablecloths might do.

  22. These remind me of the old commerical by Calgon..."Oh Take Me Away" splendid each of these are~

  23. the fruits look really good. great shots!;)

  24. Your photos are always rich paintings. You see all the beauty in the world around you!

  25. Yes, is is almost here. Our weather here in the VA mountains is rainy and so cold tonight. Some snow is actually forecasted. Hope we do not get it just yet because I do not want to lose a day from school so soon in the year. Your selection of photos and your accompanying words are wonderful this week. So meaningful and nice. A special way to get the holiday season off to a good start. genie

  26. Every season looks spectacularly beautiful where you live, Gina! I especially love that photo of the sunset in reflection.

  27. Hi Mary, I can't remember that ad. Must look it up. Thank you so much for your visit. Gina

  28. Hello Sell, Thank you for your visit. Please drop by again. Gina

  29. Dear Theresa, Wish you could come for a visit. We will paint together.

  30. Dear Genie, What lovely compliments and all the way from Virginia! I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

  31. Dear Karen, I never get tired of looking at our pond. The scene changes by the minute. Right now it is a stopover for Canadian Geese.

  32. Love this idea! I would love for you to link up to my new party, Monday Myriad Linky Party

  33. Hi Katie, Thank you for your visit and I have joined your party. Thank you for the invite. Gina
