Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I had a new black Sweater

It traveled the ocean several times
You all know how much I love and appreciate hand knitted sweaters.

I appreciate hand knitted sweaters because the girls in our family always knitted, crocheted, sewed and embroidered. My Sister Brigitta used to sew her Husband's business suits.  She is also an expert Lace Maker and has written 5 books on the subject. 


We mostly knitted sweaters in the Tyrolean style.

I bought this sweater many years ago somewhere in Austria and embroidered it on the airplane on our way home. 

I learned how to knit and embroider from my Mother.  It was also mandatory in school to learn how to do all different forms of hand work.  My Spinster School teacher taught us how to knit socks... without knots.   She said it would not do well if our soldiers had to march many hours with knots making blisters on their feet. 

No soldiers were marching, the war was  long over. 

 The black sweater on the left was my newest sweater that I brought back last October from my favorite shop in Dobbiaco, Italy. 


When I returned home I noticed that it had quite a large hole on the right front of the sweater.  There were some other issues and I realized that I could not keep the sweater. 

The shop owner of the Trachten Stueberle in Dobbiaco would take it back.  Then the owner, Frau Konstanze Hofinger, of the "Wolkenstricker" company in Bavaria said that she would send me a new sweater. How generous was that!

To make a long story short, I now have a new sweater.

And if you would like to own one of the
 "Wolkenstricker Sweaters",
they can be purchased from Gorsuch of Aspen Colorado. 

Here is their catalog,


You will find my new "Biedermeier" sweater towards the bottom of the page.

The problem with perusing the Gorsuch Catalogue is that there is always something new to entice. 


Have a great week my dear
Blogging Friends.



  1. The talent in your family is endless! I was moved by the story of the 'sock knots'and will remember it forever.
    I took some knitting classes when I lived in NYC and the first thing I knitted was a cable knit vest. I still have it. I loved knitting and don't know why I ever stopped. Every autumn I feel the urge to begin again.
    A happy week to you, Gina.

  2. Dear Catherine, I keep an unfinished sweater in a basket. It was to be for a boyfriend a hundred years ago. They say that if you knit a sweater and finish it, it will also finish your relationship. It did anyway.

  3. Hi Gina, I am wearing the same sweater at this moment. My mom and German-born grandma, too, were expert at handarbeiten. Not me, perhaps because I am left-handed and they could never teach me anything. But I can write and garden. Cheers, Barbara

    1. Hi Barbara, It is true that trying to teach someone who is left handed is very difficult. At least you now appreciate and recognize good workmanship.
      Thank you for your visit and do enjoy your hand knit sweater.

  4. The attention to detail in the stitching and patterns truly sets these sweaters apart from the rest.
