Saturday, February 25, 2012

It's a Done Deal

Air Plane Tickets are puchased.
(tickets may go up)

We have our favorite Seats reserved.

Car has been carefully selected.

But before we fly off to Paris there will be several months of
Hard Labor.

Have a great weekend my dear
Blogging Friends.


  1. Wonderful things await you! :-)

    Thank you and a great weekend to you too,

  2. Paris is one of our favourite haunts. Our eldest son and his family lived there for five years. H worked in Paris at UNESCO regularly, and I would accompany him.
    Will look forward to reading all about your trip in the future.
    Lots of excitement ahead of you.

  3. I notice that Hard Labor is capitalized. I hope that doesn't mean that it will be Too Hard! Don't kill yourself before the trip, Gina — we want to see those photographs!

  4. Ahhh, nothing like having all the arrangements nailed down, is there? So happy for you, Gina! Now just the anticipation, planning and yes, lots of hard labor to be able to take the time off.

    We have ours booked for Venice, flights and apartment but no car, of course! I will email you about Paris as I'm planning a return trip this spring.

    Hope your Sunday is just beautiful. xo

  5. Hi Merisi, Have been enjoying your fabulous photographs of Venice. Happy Sunday, Gina

  6. Dear Rosemary, Paris is also one of our favorite cities and so is the rest of the country, especially the countryside. Will finally visit the Lascaux caves even if it is re-contructed to a different site.

  7. Dear Mark, Gardening is always a big season around here, so there will be a lot of hard work. But never to the point where we don't stop to smell the roses. Have a great Sunday. Gina

  8. Dear Georgianna, Like you, we like to plan our trips early and commit to them so that we have something to look forward to during the Summer months.
    So many wonderful places to visit. Venice has always been one of my most faorite cities. I wish that everyone could see it just once.
    I look forward to receiving your e-mail. Gina

  9. Ahh Paris.
    A most beautiful city. One of the cities where i would like to have a "pad"..
    Lots to look forward to Gina.. keep the painting up spring is also on the way..
    great photos.
    Happy Sunday

  10. It's always wonderful to have something to look forward to and a trip to Paris definitely qualifies as "something", Gina.

  11. Dear Val, Yes, a pad in Paris would suit me just fine...wish I had 4 million to spend.

  12. Hi Home and Garden, That is why we make our plans early...there is something to look forward to and sometimes that is half the fun.

  13. Jealous!! I know you will have a wonderful time and take lots of photos to share on your blog. Eat something good for me! :)

  14. Dear Theresa, will do... take lots of photos and eat lots of good things. Wish you could go too.
    ox, Gina
