Thursday, February 2, 2012

My Kitchen is like many other kitchens

It has the typical assortment of cabinets and other

A lot of cooking, baking and canning takes place in this kitchen.

And there is one corner that holds a secret.

It hides my 25 year old washer and dryer.

That stick, with the bicycle hook attached to the end, is for reaching down into the machine to retrieve my laundry.  I designed this washer and dryer cabinet for a NEW front loading washer but this darn old thing will not give up the ghost. 
Now, every household should have a stick such as this.  It is very handy.

This Miele ironing machine only rolls into my kitchen twice a year.

Great for large tablecloths and the many napkins we use throughout the year.

For the remainder of the year the ironing machine stays tucked away in the closet.  That is what I like about this machine, it folds up to the size of a vacuum cleaner.

 When this corner table is not stacked with newly ironed linens it serves as my Studio.  My corner studio where I paint ceramics.

My kitchen also has a large table in the center.  A table where friends are recruited to help cook, cutting up vegetables from the garden and where we have had many a casual candlelight dinner.  

So you see, my kitchen is not just any ole kitchen

Have a great weekend my dear Blogging Friends



  1. Your kitchen is not like many other kitchens. It is unique. Stunningly so. What character your ceramics give it, and how well they go with the copper cookware. Lovely photos.

  2. Amazing kitchen, Gina! I like the fact that you, too, have no trouble keeping an older appliance if it still works well. I learned from my Mother that you had better buy appliances that you like to look at; you may be "lucky" and have many years to look at them! Of course, she was speaking of her chrome vintage toaster while we are dealing with old washing machine (you) and old dryer (me)!

    Mary in Oregon

  3. Your kitchen looks so welcoming and colourful, and obviously a hive of activity.

  4. beautiful! And I love the ironing/pressing machine!!! I have a 20 year old washing machine and am praying that it holds together until at least Tom gets home from Afghanistan!!! :)


  5. With all the color and patterns, your kitchen has a real fairy-tale charm. I'll bet there are some gnomes nearby.

  6. Gina, with all of your beautiful ceramics in the mix, I would say that your kitchen is unique!

    You are very kind to the rest of us to show the "real life" aspects that do enter into the mix.

    In my NYC closet of a kitchen, I have to mind how I enter, exit or turn around. Otherwise, I will knock the refridgerator magnets on to the floor, taking with them all my lovely internationally-stamped postcards sent to me by friends.

    Mind you, this tiny kitchen is still capable of turning out regular meals and occasional seasonal baking triumphs.


  7. Your kitchen is in a class of its own, Gina! You always have such style and panache – even with your old appliances! We just got a brand new gas range and I have to say I am loving it! xo – g

  8. Most definitely not like any ole kitchen! Like you, it seems, we practically live in our kitchen, and when we moved to England and a house with a nice but very boring kitchen, the first thing I did was to put up some tiles that reminded me of Portuguese majolica!
    I would love to have a candle-lit supper in yours.

  9. Hi Betsy, It is true, I have many ceramic pieces. There not just for display, sooner or later I use everyone of them in our daily lives. Same with copper pots.
    Thank you for visiting. Gina

  10. Hi Mary, You're right why discard something that works well. In my case I don't have to look at the old appliances because they're hidden. Hope I have not jinxed them by talking about them.

  11. Hi Rosemary, Why is it that the party always ends up in the kitchen? I even give painting lessons in my kitchen. And if I have more than 2 students we also take over the adjacent dining room.

  12. Hi Lana, I hope so too. It will be a wonderful day when your husband comes home from Afganistan, very soon, I hope.

  13. Dear Mark, That's where I stop. No gnomes in our part of the woods. I didn't realize how much stuff there is in my kitchen until I posted the picture. Maybe a little editing will be in order. But, I'll think about that tomorrow.

  14. Dear Frances, I would love to be there when your baking triumphs come out of your tiny kitchen.

  15. Dear Georgianna, Aren't the new gas ranges fabulous! Everything cooks in half the time...more time for taking your beautiful photographs and sharing them with us.

  16. Dear Karen, You are invited, anytime.
    Would love to see a picture of your Portuguese Tiles. Will you do a post? Please.

  17. Your kitchen is extraordinary in so many ways.
    The hiding place for the washer made me smile, how ingenious! :-) I'd say let's hope that the washer continues to functions because in my experience not all that is new and shiny is necessarily going to work better.

  18. I hope it isn't too late to say, "Don't change a thing!"

  19. HI GINA!
    KISSES !

  20. Oh, My!!! Now I'm picturing you making the above soup in this dream of a kitchen!! I just keep scrolling up and down in amazement! How Beautiful! Have you been in any home decor magazines? Because this kitchen would make me buy the magazine!
    P.S. Can I bring my ironing over?

  21. Yes, of course I had also neglected to comment that your kitchen would be a delight to cook in! Your ingenious way to hide the working appliances don't in any way take away from your beautiful renaissance pottery!

    Mary in Oregon

  22. Hi Merisi, I'm so glad that I was able to squeeze my washer and dryer into the corner of my handy and I don't have to sprint down to the basement.

  23. OK Mark, I won't change a thing. At least not until you come for a visit.

  24. Hi Effie, so glad you came by for a visit. And, thank you for your sweet compliment. Gina

  25. Dear Dawne, Yes, our house was featured in the Utah Homes & Garden Magazine. The Magazine is now defunct. I wrote a post about the article. If you look back to my post dated March 26th, 2011, entitled "The Humble with the Splendid" you can see the the pictures and interview. Gina

  26. Hi Mary, I covered or hid every appliance I could. Trying to make the kitchen not look so industrial. It is pretty busy as it is. We all like to cook in it. Everything is handy and close by.
