Sunday, February 5, 2012

A remarkable Book, Winner of the 1995 Christopher Award

"The Ledger Book of Thomas Blue Eagle"

"Mules are harder to steal than horses...they came willingly when they heard our calls".

"Our tipis were round like the sun and the moon.  My people believe there is great power in a circle".

"We followed the huge herds of buffalo over the Plains, packing tipis on pony drags and our other belongings on dogs".

"My pony was strong and proud, and at first we had many arguments.  I painted him with different earth colors on each side and called him Two Painted Horse". 

"The Crow charged like thunderbeings...yelling their war cries...some of my people were killed and the rest ran in all directions... I climbed inside a hollow tree..."

"A soldier came to my father and asked him to send me to a place called Carlisle Pennsylvania.  The soldier promised to teach me the white man's language and his skills".

Note: "row of little houses"  the train which took the children to the white man's school. 

Winner of the 1995 Christopher Award
By Jewel H. Grant and Gay Matthaei

Illustrations by Adam Cvijanovic

Published in 1994 by Thomasson-Grant

All images from book entitled "The Ledgerbook of Thomas Blue Eagle"
Available from Amazon ISBN 1-56566-063-3

Happy Superbowl Sunday my dear Blogging Friends



  1. This is a book that I am unfamiliar with, so thank you for sharing it. Very colorful and interesting that it is printed on lined tablet-like paper.

    The more I learn about the Native Americans dealing with the American Government the more uncomfortable I feel. What a sad time in our history.

    Mary in Oregon

  2. I'm interested in seeing more of the book — it's a beautifully conceived idea and format, and I would have guessed it was an authentic period piece. It's obviously well researched.

  3. Hi Mary, The book was designed to make it look more like a school book. A wonderful book to share with children...they relate to it easily.

  4. Mark, you would enjoy this book. It is available from Amazon for under $30. This beautifully bound book only has 70 pages and the illustrations are superb.

  5. Dear Gina what delightful action packed illustrations - they remind me of the paintings Mark did on his Kicking Bear carving!

  6. These are fantastically detailed illustrations. The naivety of the drawings and the combination of the ruled paper is wonderful.

  7. Dear Rosemary, You're right, it was after I saw Mark's painted Kicking Bear that I remembered how much I liked this little book.

  8. Dear Theresa, It is the drawings I was attracted to when I first saw this book on a trip to the Grand Canyon.
    Chronicle Books has published a companion book entitled "The Sketchbook by Thomas Blue Eagle".
