Sunday, February 12, 2012

Winter Break

 Where else but in sunny California

Where the Lemon Grove is in bloom all year round.

Where the oranges are sweeter than anywhere else.

Where the flowers grow in wild profusion.

And where the trees emit a heady perfume of blossom and fruit.

All lovingly tended by our friends J & B.

At La Casa el Grande, in Rancho Santa Fe.

And my favorite shop is right around the corner.

Trader Joe's, where orchids can be had for a song.

I brought many home.

Even a small lemon tree. Laden with tiny lemons. 
Now in my dining room.

Thank you J & B for letting me pick to my hearts'  content.



  1. You really brought California home with you!
    The images are gorgeous, I wished I could dive right into them.

  2. Gina - your photographs are so beautiful - they are like a wonderful still life painting.

  3. Hi Gina,

    Hope you enjoyed your trip to sunny Cali...your images are gorgeous and the one of the pink orchid in front of the bookcase is truly magazine worthy! Happy Valentine's Day!


  4. Ah, California --- we like to think we've got it all, but your home is lovely and your photos are stunning. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Lovely, lovely photos! I live in California and sometimes take it for granted. Thanks for reminding me of the beauty that surrounds me.

  6. Welcome back liebe Gina!
    Lovely, sunny and really uplifting images!

    Wish you a wonderful and Happy Valentine's Day, filled with love and joy!

    Ganz herzlichst,

    p.s. we were frozen-in here, just only today its getting a bit milder and I'm somewhat able to spend more time on the desk whitout having stiff fingers after 5 minutes typing :)

  7. Dear Merisi, Thank you so much for commenting. It is so appreciated.

  8. Thank you Rosemary. The admiration is mutual. Gina

  9. Dear Jermaine, It's snowing here, big fat flakes. But I would rather hear the ocean waves. Gina

  10. Hi Maggie, Yes you have it all in California.

  11. Hi Imquilternity, Yes, California is special. Thank you for visiting.

  12. Dear Karin, and a very happy Valentine's Day to you and yours. It is snowing here right now but it's not very cold. In fact, our pond has thawed, a sure sign that Spring is not so far away.

  13. Fantastic photos as usual. Exquisite.

  14. Thank you Ingmarie. You are so generous. I apreciate your visits and your comments.

  15. OMGosh, I had to join your site, I am an artist and paint large canvases of flowers, I live way over in New Zealand. I saw your blog on No Minimalist Here's link party. I think your flower photos are gorgeous and they have inspired me to really get back into my painting as Its been suffering due to illness in the family but I honestly feel inspired by the colours and flowers I have just seen on your blog.

    I hope you get a chance to call in to my blog and see my paintings, I would love for you to see them. I have a paintings page and "on my easel" page you might like to see.

    Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos. I will be looking more carefully at your blog when I get a chance to see if there is something you might let me use as my next subject :)(permission first of course).


  16. Hello Lee and welcome to my blog. Thank you for your lovely compliments. You must be right in the middle of your growing season...I envy you your flowers.

  17. What a beautiful post. So many wonderful vivid colors. BUT I'm in love with your sofa and beautiful drapes. Do share more of that enticing room.

    - The Tablescaper

  18. Dear Tablescaper, That is also my favorite room in my house. It's always cheerful no matter what the weather outside.
