Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Would love your imput

Please help me decide
what color for new marble or granite counter tops.

I'm going  to replace the marble tiles with a slab of marble.

This is the kitchen floor.

This is the color of the cabinets. 

I'm thinking about using Carrara Marble.

I used Carrara Marble in my bathroom

And Desert Peach Marble throughout the remainder of the house

My kitchen walls are white

White walls have straw embedded

Or I can add a slab of wood and faux paint it

As I have done on my staircase.

 I like the color of my cabinets
and I can't change the floor or the walls.

What do you think?  I'm grateful for your suggestions.



  1. Gina, you already know how much I love your kitchen just the way it is now but since you ask...i'd pick white marble...Happy kitchen revisiting ! :-)

  2. My goodness...right out of a magazine spread!! Well you are talking to white marbles number one fan here, so you get my vote for a carerra or calcutta. Its a total classic (just like your kitchen) and is truly timeless in every sense. It will also I believe give a beautiful contrast to all the warmth and color already there. I look forward to seeing what you decide!!
    My vote goes to white marble.

  3. Dear Lala,
    So glad you suggested white marble... it is my favorite marble. I love the way it ages, like good silver. Thank you for helping me decide.

  4. Dear Tina, I was hoping that you would comment. I so appreciate and admire what you have designed for your own home. I'm no minimalist, and I probably need to do a bit of editing (after the marble is installed). You're right, there is a lot of color, the white should provide just the right amount of contrast.

  5. The white marble for me too, all of your lovely pottery would contrast with it so beautifully,

  6. Dear Gina,
    I would definitely "pick-up" some gray from your kitchen floor and suggest that to you.
    It would go very well with your blue tiles and the slightly greenish? paint on the cabinets.
    The surface should be relatively neutral and should blend into the other colors in your kitchen. So, using a gray color from your floor tiles woud round up the whole ambience. And I would not have any white marble, or any marble with lots of vaines, too much contrast. I probably would use a quiet light gray or 'einen hellen bis mittelgrauen Schiefer'

    Does that help???

    Gutes Gelingen und herzlichen Gruss,

  7. I think a calm, very lightly patterned marble that matches the shade of your cabinets would look lovely. Your beautiful tiles would stand out and not be lost in another busy pattern.

  8. forgotten to mention that with a grayish surface the stainless steel pieces would blend in perfectly.

    but - you decided probably already on white marble??? yes??? no???

  9. Dear Rosemary, I too lean towards the white marble. What does concern me, however, are the floors. Will white make them look dirty?

  10. Dear Karin, you bring up some very excellent points. My cabinets are a celadon green with Norwegian blue undertone glazes. A light, quiet grey would be a good idea, but I would not like Schiefer. It has always appeared too rough for me.

  11. Hi Priscilla, you bring up an interesting idea. My cabinets are mostly celadon green but the green has a lot of blue in it. I still like the idea of carrara marble but with a greyish-bluish tone to it (if there is such a thing as that)

  12. Dear Karin, No, have not decided. But I'm getting so many good ideas from all of you. I like what you have to say about the gray...hadn't thought of it. There is a lot of grey and taupeveining in Carrara. But then again, I don't want it to be too busy. I think I will know it when I see it.
    Vielen Dank fuer deine guten ideas.

  13. I see merit in all the opinions offered here, so I'm afraid I'm not going to be any good for new advice. But can I just say how MUCH I love that celadon green of your cabinets!!

  14. Hello, Gina - You certainly have many colors to complement, don't you?!

    My initial suggestion would be white (which I feel you'd like to hear). But while you certainly couldn't go wrong with white, I'm wondering whether that would be too sharp a contrast to everything else.

    My suggestion would be to take the lighter color of your floor tile and find an unveined marble in that shade. From your photographs, I'm reading it as a creamy color, which would go well with both the celedon cabinets and the floor, your two major blocks of color in the room.

  15. How absolutely magnificent.. I am in love with your beautiful tiles and handpainted pottery.
    Your kitchen is out of a magazine.

    I have beige,white and black spekled Brazilian granite.. it goes with everything.. My floors are just simple glazed brown portuguese tiles.

    Granite doesnt mark.. marble does.. my daughter in law put white marble in her kitchen..and it has stains..they can only be removed by re polishing..

    happy shopping.. I can see you will make a good choice..
    I will be passing by again..
    hope that you will drop in to see me my simple blogs..
    val's alentejo..

    Happy Thursday..

  16. Gina cannot find your email so wanted to say how excited I was when I opened a box that came in the mail yesterday, got the jams and jellies!! They are so beautiful, and we are going to try them this morning. Many many thanks!! You are one talented lady!

  17. Hi Karen, I painted the celadon cabinets when we first finished building our house. It is an easy color to live with. There are many nuances to the color and I don't imagine that I will ever get tired of it.

  18. Dear Mark, You're right on! It has always been my concern that I will make my floors look old and shabby if I add a white that is too white. I will take your advise and look for a creamy white. I can also see a color that reminds me of the ocean when it is greenish-blue.

  19. Hi Val, Love your many lovely photographs. Of course, I also love Portugal. Have spent many a holiday driving through your beautiful country.
    I know about the advantages of using granite, however, I am still favoring traditional marble even though I will have to live with the inevitable stains.

  20. Dear Tina, You are so welcome.

  21. i wish you would do a house tour and show us some of the bedrooms and baths and other rooms in your beautiful home.i love your blog and just can't get enough of it!!

  22. Gina, What a gorgeous kitchen!! I feel like I am in a fabulous italian home. The carerra marble would be wonderful for your countertop. I would stay away from heavy veining since it would distract from your beautiful ceramics. xo, Sherry

  23. Gina,
    I am trying not to get too distracted with your incredible kitchen!!! Ok, white is the last thing you need. Everything in that room has a patina, choose a marble that is a little "dirty" and not so pure. Keep it quiet though, no busy pattern so as not to fight with all of your lovely work. I just really love the warmth and slight imperfection to your home. White marble interprets as too formal and "new" in your environment. Good luck with your decision!

  24. Liebe Gina,
    lots of ideas and suggestions!

    Habe mir Deine Kueche nochmal angeschaut.
    Eine andere Moeglichkeit: Die Arbeitsplatte aus Holz and then painted in dem Ton der beiden "pilasters" rechts und links Deines 'Kamins'. Ein leichtes, helles beige/grau. Du bist doch excellent darin.
    The working face should be neutral, praktisch und unauffaellig in Deiner Kueche and not standing out which would be the case with withe marble.
    Oder im gleichen Ton wie die Unterschraenke, koennte aber etwas zu 'uniform' sein, waere aber eine ruhige Einheit fuer sich.

    Ich wuerde mir ein paar samples in verschiedenen Farbtoenen, auch in weiss, aus Papier machen, darauflegen, um zu sehen, was am besten aussieht, und dann entscheiden.
    Let's 'speak' your beautiful tiles and other decorative objecst and not the 'Arbeitsplatte'.

    So much fun with this post! Bin sehr gespannt, wie Deine Entscheidung ausfallen wird.

    Gutes Gelingen, herzlichst,

  25. Dear Sherry, Good suggestion. Will definitely stay away from too much pattern or veining. Thank you for addinhg your comment. For the first time I am not sure what to do.

  26. Dear Meme, How sweet of you to be so complimentary. I have posted most of my home, but in parts only. If I had the right equipment I would do a photoshoot of the house.

  27. Dear Theresa, Everything you suggest is right on. You have truly helped me in making this important decision. The message from many of my readers is the same. Thank You Theresa, I am grateful for your input.

  28. Dear Karin, It is true; I could have wood countertops manufactured with beautiful ogee edges and then paint the wood in whatever color combinations look best. I can even change it if I don't like it. After all, it's only paint. I have painted many a surface such as cement and other materials to look like marble. Think of the thousands of dollars I would save.
    But there is something to the feel of natural stone that appeals to me.
    You always come up with great and original ideas. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Gina

  29. Liebe Karin, und noch etwas. Ich liebe wie du immer in so vielen Sprachen schreibst. Manchmal unsere Gedanken arbeiten besser deswegens. Du bringst immer sehr gute Moeglichkeiten zu meinen Fragen. Vielen Dank fuer deine Freundschaft.

  30. Okay, Gina, here goes: I have thought about your gorgeous kitchen now for a couple of days (really, many times during the last two days, in fact) and I can't help but make a very different suggestion from everyone else. My choice would be copper. I have seen them in a couple of home tours here. I thought they were unbelieveably striking and I love the verdigris color that appears when they have been left alone. BUT, it is that glorious, rich yellow-orange color that I see complimenting all of your painted tiles and dishes. I also think it would be a nice contrast to your cabinets. My thoughts are probably because your existing counters are also in the bronze family. Maybe you are ready for a complete color change. Just a thought for you to consider.

    Mary in Oregon

  31. Hi Mary, I'm so pleased to hear all of your good ideas. Copper is certainly interesting. I also love copper especially when it becomes verdigris. My stair railings are verdigris. I can see why you think that it might work because of the excisting marble. However, I'm seriously thinking about a marble in a light color.

  32. Hi Gina,

    I suppose you have already made up your mind by now, but I will go out on a limb here.

    I've had marble, I've had granite. I don't have either now and I love it! I have an Avonite countertop (similar to Corian) and I would never go back. Much kinder, warmer. I have no stains after 8 years and we are mighty rough with our countertops.

    As far as color goes, I am joining the soft cream to grey group- white would be too stark. Slight pattern OK, but you have a lot going on in there already.

    What a fun project for your most beautiful home! Can't wait to see what you choose.

  33. So true Ann, I have a lot going on in my kitchen. Most of the items I use almost every day, but yes, a little (or a lot) of editing is called for.
    I will have a look at Avonite. However, I am a bit of a Traditionalist, even though some of my friends have accused me of being part Gypsy.
    Thank you for your ideas. They make a lot of sense.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Your kitchen is beautiful! I believe your countertops need to make a bold statement, even if it is a lot going on. I would go for the marble if it's what you want. Don't settle. Doraville, Ga, has a site to drool over. There is a nice marble slab that would blend with the blues, greens and earth tones in your kitchen now. I like the idea of pulling all the colors together with the countertops and you can do that with stone.

    You can look at it by searching earth tones granite (but it's marble) "fossil brown." Or, try this link.

  36. Hi Twinkle, Thank you for sending this wonderful site. It's hard to tell from marble pictures what the colors are really like. It appears that the "Fossil Brown" might be too dark for me. An interesting color is "Rain Froest Green". Then there is Botticino and Calcutta Gold, Crema Marfit and Georgia Cherokee. It's great to have so many choices. There will be some serious shopping this coming week.
    Thank you for your visit and your valuable input. Gina

  37. Hello Dear One~ ~
    This is my first visit here and I must say that I adore your kitchen. The celadon is a favorite of mine and it looks wonderful on your cabinets. Please don't be offended but I would call your kitchen "Beautiful Clutter". I love lots of things around me and would feel so at home cooking there.
    I read all your comments about the counter. You have attracted some wonderful suggestions. What a difficult choice to make. My only suggestion would be to be patient and not rush into the change. Only You will know when the perfect solution presents itself. Have fun with it.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  38. Hi Ahrisha, Good advise. I'm going to take my time. We start looking this week. I'm looking forward to it. Thank you for your visit.

  39. Everything is gorgeous as is, but knowing me, I have black and white marble floors, I think I'll go for the Carrara if you can. Can't wait to see what you finally do, you got great taste, so you'll pick just the perfect thing. Hugs,

  40. Hi Gina, I'm sorry I'm so late on this. I think the white will be fabulous. Your whole place is a dream. Is that your bathroom? I almost fainted. I've been trying to get to the renovations on our downstairs one for four years now. I want a claw foot tub so badly! :)

  41. Dear Georgianna, Yes that is our upstairs bathroom. It's like taking a bath (although most of the time showers are all that I have time for) with the birds.
    Maybe for now, you can start collecting ideas for your new bathroom. And one day it will be all finished. xo Gina

  42. I know this is an old post, put I think your kitchen is beautiful!
