Saturday, March 17, 2012

Sandwich Bag Flower Arrangement

Have you heard of the Sandwich Bag Flower Arrangement?

Of course you haven't.  I made it up.

I needed something low and colorful for my St. Patrick's Day Dinner table.

My garden is still asleep. 

Your grocery store or garden center always has a few blooming plants in small containers.

Take the plants out of their containers, give them a good drink of water and place one or two plants into each plastic sandwich bag.

Add a little water to your centerpiece container, add the flower sandwich bags. 

Hide plastic bags by filling open areas with trailing greens or left over cut flowers

  This is the one arrangement you can plant into your garden once the flowers have faded. 

Happy St. Patrick's Day my dear
Blogging Friends



  1. Brilliant! I love it! Thank you Gina for another great tip and beautiful idea. Hope you are very well. xo – g

  2. The arrangement is exquisite, and thank you for a great idea. Enjoy your St. Patrick's dinner. We have celebrated St. Patrick's day for the past three years on Anna Maria Island, Florida, where they have a big parade.

  3. Woman's ingenuity at its best! Lovely table Gina

  4. Such.a.pretty.flower.bag.arragement.Gina.

  5. Gina, you are always so inventive! Is that plate with the blue-winged bird one of your own designs? I like the almost caligraphy-like brushwork. Mark

  6. Dear Georgianna, My "invention" makes it possible to cheat a little...comes in handy now and then. Yes, all is well here...but getting more snow. Take care of yourself. Am looking forward to a whole new season of your beautiful photography. oxoxoxox, Gina

  7. Dear Rosemary, One of these days I'm going to stop globe trotting and concentrate on beautiful America. Iwould love to see Anna Maria Island in Florida. In the meantimeI'm going to enjoy your excellent blog posts.

  8. Thank you Theresa. You have been such a sweet friend. oxoxox, Gina

  9. Dear Val, We had a great St. Patty's Dinner. Will enjoy some of the left overs this evening. What I like most about our celebrations is that we are lucky to have wonderful and compatible friends who make every occasion a special one.

  10. Dear Mark, The bird is not my plate, all the other ceramics are. The bird plates are Italian. The French also paint a similar design. You just gave me a great idea. This motif would look great on a set of dinner plates. Have a great coming week.

  11. Beautiful flowers. The perfect companion for a fabulous St. Paddy's Day dinner.

  12. Gina, I love your "sandwich bag flower arrangement" I was attracted to the post because I have been doing the same thing for forty plus years. Just proves that every old is new again. Please check out my "Woodland Table" post in February.
    You are correct it does let you cheat a little. I love bringing in early spring plants that are so small they often get lost in the garden. They look much better with their foilage in the natural form. Thanks for sharing, Ginger

  13. Terrific Idea!
    I've been admiring all of those pansies and primroses for sale on the outdoor shelves beside the supermarkets. Clever to adapt bedding plants for a short-term inside display.

    Mary in Oregon

  14. Bravo Gina ! I admit to be in sandwich bag ? and of course, your creative talent strikes again...that's a great idea ! Thank you for the tip!! xo Lala

  15. Dear Christine and Steven, And it was so nice that you could join us. ox Gina

  16. Hi Cindy, It is very simple to do. Hope you give it a try.

  17. Hi Ginger, You are right on. Little plants become more important when they are featured and yes they look so charming when planted with their own leaves. Thanks for your visit.

  18. Exactly right, Mary. This planting is for a short term solution. But a wonderful way to use up those plants that are sold much too early to plant outside.

  19. Dear Lala, Loved seeing all your eager students learning how to create those lovely pastries. From the outcome I can tell that you are a very good teacher. And they were wearing your beautiful aprons. I love mine but only useit for "hohen Feiertagen" (important holidays)
    xo Gina .

  20. Oh, this is a great idea :) and oh so simple! Thanks for giving me a plan for a great flower arrangement on the quick! Hope you and Gene are doing well!

  21. Gina:

    This is a fabulous idea. It also protects your container.

    - The Tablescaper

  22. Dear Barbara, Yes, all is well here. Just planted my Sandwich bag flower arrangement in a couple of urns by the front door. I was surprised how long it lasted on the inside. Glad you liked the idea. With your beautiful Italian ceramics the plastic bags will come in handy.

  23. Hi Tablescaper, Can't wait to see how you will incorporate this idea in one of your future tablescapes.
