Thursday, March 1, 2012

Where would you rather be?

Out in the cold with the Help?

It snowed last night, another six inches.

 You could be in my little and very humble greenhouse.

We need the moisture, our Farmers and Ranchers are happy.

Kumquats and Rosemary grow in my Greenhouse

But Baby it's cold outside.

My Greenhouse is not warm enough for my orchids.
They are very happy inside my house usually sitting by a north or east facing window.

But my Geraniums think that my Greenhouse is the coolest spot ever!

What are you doing today?

Have a great week my dear
Blogging Friends



  1. oh I'd rather be in your greenhouse than outside! today i've looked after my jasmine in the patio which looked frankly bored...and talked for 1h with my cousin in Paris about his latest white truffle we say in French..."tout un programme"! Have a great day too, Gina....

  2. I just returned from an hour workout at the gym and now I will catch up on my blog reading...
    Then, I will need to clean up the leftover snow that accumulated (4-5") a couple of days ago. We have bright sunshine right now, so if I read long enough I might not have to worry about the snow!

    Mary in Oregon

  3. It's beautiful around you, inside and out! :-)

  4. Hello, Gina - Your flowers always look happy and beautiful!

    Our temperatures here in Florida are already in the 80s. I think it's going to be an extra-hot summer, so I'm glad to almost be done with my house-painting.

  5. Gina, these photos surely show three equally beautiful worlds, inside your warm home, inside your medium warm greenhouse, and then...outside in that truly wintery landscape!

    I am pleased to report that my little orchid, while not thriving, is still bearing some flowers. I don't think that my available windowsill has encouraged the bud to develop into flowers. They have one by one dropped from their stations along the stems.

    Best wishes.

  6. Such contrasts in these images! This is truly an impossible choice you've given us, as inside and out are both entirely beautiful. But this is one of the things I love about your blog - you make me gasp at the landscapes you are surrounded by, then again at the beauty you've created inside your home. Getting to know you has been one of the best things about blogging :)

  7. Dear Lala, I am so jealous of your jasmine and other beautiful flowers you have on your terrace. Your climate is so much more can grow so many exotic flowers while we are still shoveling snow.

  8. Wow, Mary, I'm hour of workout at the gym. You don't need to shovle your snow, let the sun melt it. xo, Gina

  9. Hi Mark, I want to see a picture of your new house color. By the way, what color are you painting or is it several colors?

  10. Dear Frances, Don'tgive up on your first try. Often, there is nothing you did wrong. When buds fall off the spike it usually means that they have been mistreated before you purchased your it. If you carried it into the house on a very cold day or if you placed it in the hot sun (by your window) the blossoms will fall off.
    Next time, purchase an orchid that has several very healthy buds at the top which have not discolored (brownish yellow)and place your orchid in the MIDDLE of your apartment. Orchids do not need so much light to continue blooming. that way you will have it for several months. Then, AFTER it has bloomed it should go near good light to force it to bloom again. But that takes about a year.

  11. Dear Karen, I am overwhelmed by your beautiful words. Thank you so very much. It would be so lovely if you could come for a visit. We would show you around and let you see how really wonderful it is out here in the West. ox, Gina

  12. Gina, I thank you very much for your encouraging words. I won't give up on orchids quite yet, even though I think that my current specimen did have lovely promising buds when I bought it. If I put the plant in the middle of my little apartment, it will be receiving lots of heat from the hissing radiators. Perhaps that might be better than the deep window sill (away from radiator heat) where I did place this pretty plant. The window faces south, but truly gets only very limited light each day in this urban enclosed space.

    This is an interesting endeavor for me and the plant. xo

  13. Gina,
    You've provide some beautiful contrast between the wintry whiteness and the lush, colourful blooms.

  14. Hi Karen, It's a good thing that I have my little greenhouse...makes the lingering cold weather bearable. Thank you for your visit. Gina

  15. Five days a week, I'm busy at my boutique flower shop delighting my customers with flowers for all occasions. But today, after church and encouraging folks at a neighborhood nursing homem I'm busy visiting blogs. Hope you stop by mine. Enjoy the rest of your day!

  16. That is a very easy answer, I would like to be in the greenhouse. Lovely photos. Thanks for sharing, have a wonderful week!

  17. What gorgeous photos! It's warm where I live but I stayed inside today to clean! lol ♥

  18. Stunning pictures Gina...I love the snow and the two opposites. Beautiful post!

  19. Gina, such a lovely post. Your flowers look so happy in your greenhouse. The snow is pretty, too! One extreme to the other!

  20. Gorgeous photos and such a contrast! I love the juxtaposition of the stark snow scenes next to those vibrant and lush florals. Just beautiful.

  21. I would love to sit in your greenhouse in all those beautiful blooms.

  22. Wonderful photos of the cold and the greenhouse. I'll take the greenhouse any day!

  23. So lovely, both inside and out. Although I have to admit that I would prefer to be in... :)

  24. What beautiful contrast. I love both the inside and the outside. But it does look cold so I'd probably like to be on the inside looking out :) Gorgeous photo's!

  25. I love all your beautiful flowers. We had beautiful weather today and I took our dogs for a walk and hung sheets on the clothes line. I am your newest follower. Hope you will visit Magnolia Cottage. Blessings,


  26. Hi Magnolia Cottage, Thank you for becoming my newest follower. You are so sweet to comment. You're my kind of Gal...I also take our dogs for a walk and on sunny days hang out my linens.

  27. Hi Mimi, I love your flowers. You are a very fine artist. So glad you stopped by.

  28. Dear Eileen, Thank you. Thank you for letting us share. Gina

  29. Oh dear, Lavender Dreamer, cleaning house is never fun, especially in the Springtime when the weather lets us be outside. Thank you for your visit. Gina

  30. i Blach Eyed Susan, Thank you for your lovely compliment and I also want to thank you for your visit. Gina

  31. Hi Snap, That is what is what makes me so happy. Yes we have cold weather and snow but I always can retreat to my greenhouse where the sun shines warmly on my face. Thank you for your visit. Gina

  32. Hello I'mguilty, My greenhouse is a simple little place but it produces just enough flowers to have in the middle of the winter. gina

  33. Hi Garden of Threads, So glad you stopped by to comment. It means a lot to hear from you. Gina

  34. Hello Vee, I'm so glad that you liked my photos. I also like to see the juxtaposition of the flowers and the snow. Gina

  35. Hi Mary, Me too. I never mind going to the greenhouse to do a little work. It is always a pleasure to be there. Gina

  36. Thank you Carol. I guess taking photos of my flowers is one of my most favorite things to do. Thank you for your visit. Gina

  37. O´ many lovely photoes and nice collage. Thank´s for showing us!
    Have a nice weekend.

  38. Hello Lotta, How nice of you to come by for a visit. Thank you also for your lovely compliments. Have a great week. Gina
