Thursday, April 12, 2012

Please give me your opinion.

I would love your opinion, please.
Out of the Kiln this morning.
Two different styles.

My "Tondino Plate" also known as Cardinal Hat Plate, painted in my usual gypsy style.
For more about Tondini plates see an earlier post here

Tondini plates can be recognized by their deep indentation in the middle.  It forms a generous well, perfect for holding delicious morsels. The rim is usually painted in many colors and with very ornate designs to better show off the center motif.

Lately I have been drawn to a more simple style.

Showing lots of white.

Soon our little town will be celebrating Heritage Days.
I will be setting up shop in the old school. Many of our local artists will do the same.  We sell to many visitors and donate some of the proceeds to a good cause, the restoration of the Old School House.

I have another month to get ready for the sale. 

I would very much like to know what you think.

Thank You
my dear Blogging Friends.



  1. I lean toward color and gypsy style, but you can't go wrong offering both. From what I see in Blogland, white and bees and French words are big, too. xo

  2. Sorry can't them both. But leaning to the gypsy style...good luck to you and the Old School.

  3. Dear Gina,
    They are both beautiful. For me possibly i would buy the gypsy plate.. but yet again the other is nice for a specialy laid table..
    your work is super.. both will all your other lovely pottery and ceramics.
    fingers crossed that you make some good money for the old school.

  4. I think your tondini plate is beautiful and traditional Gina, but I love the simple black design on the white background too. Supposing you put a large letter or initial in the place of the bee? I sometimes find vintage plates with initialled monograms and they look wonderful.
    Good luck with the sale

  5. Dear Gina, the gypsy style is my choice, but the simpler design may sell better at the fair. Is the tondino plate for sale? If so I'd love to buy it. Please let me know. Thanks! Vivian

  6. Dear Vivian, I'm so pleased that you like my Tondino Plate. It measures 10½ inches in diameter. The price is $65 plus shipping (whatever the post office charges). I can list it as "special order" in my Etsy shop. Or let me know what is convenient for you.
    Thank you. I appreciate you. ox, Gina

    1. Gina, I'm thrilled it's available! If you list it as a special order in your etsy shop, I'll complete the purchase tonight. Thanks! Vivian

  7. Dear Sharon, I agree with you about the initial. A very good idea. What I will do is offer to paint the initial after I sell it. I have done so in the is possible to add a letter and then fire for the second time. It does not show that it was added.
    Thank you for your input. I was hoping that you would comment. ox, Gina

  8. Dear Val, You're right. The grey and white would look better used in a table setting. What I like about these designs is that they are easy to paint and don't take much time...that way my customers can save a little money. It's so nice to help me with your ideas. ox, Gina

  9. Hi KLW, Thank you for your comment. It is so interesting to discover what everyone likes. That is exactly why I asked for help. Thank you.

  10. Hmmm, Gina, this is an interesting question.

    If you equally enjoy painting each style perhaps you'd want to show them both. However, this majolica fan would always prefer the gypsy, very flourished, decorative look. I think that is where your painter's talent shines, and where a uniquely created ceramic would be made.

    (I loved reading your post about how that saddle seeking eventually yielded an exceptionally beautiful home an alfalfa field.)


  11. Love them all Gina, slightly veering towards the Tondini plate because it makes me think of Italy.

  12. I'm a gypsy, through and through! I don't know about other people, though. How about both for your sale?

  13. Dear Vivian, It's listed in my shop. Should be the very first item. The photograph is of the side view. Thank you so much for purchasing my special plate. ox, G

  14. Gina, I LOvE,LOvE,LOVE the white with bee and wreath motif...gorgeous and appeals to my gardening nature! I would love some of these....Please let me know the particulars.

  15. I love them both and they are each so very elegant. Yet, the one with the colourful detail is what I most often think of when I visit your blog and I am thinking this would brighten anyone's kitchen. Then again, some might fear a colourful set and desire the white with the simple elegance it carries, oh my, I did not help at all, did I~

  16. Thank you Vivian, The Tondino is on its way to you. ox, Gina

  17. Dear Frances, I was sure that sophisticated New York would lean towards the more elegant grey and white. So happy to hear that colorful is still "In". Thank you also for your sweet comment about my saddle post. xo, Gina

  18. Dear Rosemary, I'm so happy that there is still sentiment for lots of color. My eye automatically goes to color, i.e. a colorful flower bouquet in an otherwise greige room.
    Thank you for your input. I'm getting lots of good ideas. ox, Gina

  19. Hi Jacki, Yes, I noticed that you are not afraid of color. Now I just have to convince you to take out your paint brushes. I will take your advice and paint both. ox, Gina

  20. Dear Nella, I would be so happy to paint a set of dishes or bowl or decorative plate for you. We can add your initial to the design and make it extra special. I have also painted a bowl that has included in the design a crown. Another idea would be to add a gilded crown over your intital. So many possibilities....
    ox, Gina

  21. Dear Mary, Yes you did help. Everything you say is true and your comment helps me decide where my focus should lie. It has been my observation that a combination works best.
    ox, Gina

  22. I love the white just because it is such a change... Such beautiful work... of course both are magnificent... Have a wonderful weekend... xv

  23. Hi Gina, i love both of the designs...they are so different, but both are so beautiful. I think I would buy both of them and use them to suit my whim:) good luck at heritage days! I have been painting my tiles as well...i have been trying to set aside some time to devote to it. I will be posting some pics on my blog soon, so stay tuned! Have a great weekend!

  24. Gina,
    I find both styles beautiful, each in its own way. It may well be that both sell like hotcakes at the fair!
    Good luck,

  25. Dear Vicki, I started painting and leaving more white after I noticed so many interiors going to neutral colors. But a shock of color is always welcome, don't you think? xo, Gina

  26. Dear Barbara, Well, I'm so pleased to hear that you are painting again. Can't wait to see what you've been up to. ox, Gina

  27. Dear Mersisi, I am thinking that white will sell because it is also less expensive to paint...less time and one can match pieces so easily and they go with everything. So glad for your comment. I'm learning. xo, Gina

  28. Dear Gina - Like so many other responders, I like both styles. But if you're being led to move into the simpler style, I think you should embrace that. You can always go back to the Tondini plates, and you will. This year though, why not follow your gut instincts and see what happens when your whole presentation is simpler? If you concentrate on that, you'll be better able to compare this year with other years, you'll see a different reaction more clearly, and you'll be better able to judge the results. You might be surprised. I say take a leap and treat it as though it were a great experiment.

  29. Hello, dear Gina,

    Do I have to make a choice? Both are exquisite but I must admit I was excited to see the little bee in your simpler piece. I'd also be very intrigued to see what else evolves if you follow this new direction. Whatever you create, it will be beautiful.

    xo – g

  30. Merci de ta visite ,je découvre ainsi ton blog.



  31. I love both styles! I guess I'll have to see them in person at Heritage Days or maybe a sneak preview before then.

  32. Truly impossible to make a choice here! I'm normally drawn to simpler styles, but that Tondino plate is quite simply stunning. I guess I'd agree with Mark's wise suggestion, to see where your newest style takes you. I'm so happy you showed us a sample of your contributions to the sale - what lucky, lucky people to be able to attend!

  33. Color! Gypsy!! Being an artist, I am drawn to the Tondino, hands down. The other,it seems to me, would attract a more analytical mind. It leans to the organized, analytical side of the brain. I want the wild, riotous explosion of COLOR!!!!LOL!

  34. Dear Mark, A great experiment! I was thinking the same. Won't I be surprised if my customers will reach for the more simple styles. I actually really enjoy painting them. But I know me, after a little while I'll be reaching for color. Thank you for your ideas. You have convinced me to expand my repetoire.

  35. Dear Georgianna, I am so happy that you like the little bee designs. Our State is called the Beehive State. Anything I paint with bees sells out in a few hours. Thank you for always giving me your support and friendship.
    ox, Gina

  36. Merci de ta visite Manon. Your blog is very special and so are your photographs and vignettes. ox, Gina

  37. Dear Christine and dear Steven, A sneak preview? I hope so. Because that means a glass or two of the bubbly. Happy Sunday to you both. ox, Gina

  38. Dear Karen, Tondino Plates usually have a portrait painted into the center part. They were given as presents to a prospective bride. I thought that it would be interesting to paint the center with marbling. I owned the plate for only one was purchased by one of my lovely blogging friends. Thank you for helping me decide, I think I must always have a few colorful pieces for my customers to choose from. ox, Gina

  39. Dear Theresa, Your observation is very interesting and one I find to be true. I can almost always predict which person will chose which design. I have a very good friend who always reaches for the simple and who caries it through with all of her design decisions. Her home was recently featured in a very fine publication. Everything looked cohesive, simple and very, very beautiful.
    But then there is always room for us gypsies. So, let's do something colorful and fun this fine Sunday morning. ox, Gina

  40. They are both beautiful plates, but the gypsy and colorful one is my favorite. Just love and I your mosaic is gorgeous. Good luck, I wish you all the best on your sales. Have a great week!

  41. they are both lovely. I like the simple ones, but I adore the color! They look as if they compliment each other nicely. Enjoy the heritage days!

  42. Your work is a delight. I, too, am drawn to color. However, I know just as many who adore the calmer whites. They certainly look lovely in tandem!

  43. Yes, I agree. Both styles are beautiful, but I like the color- and gypsy style best. Why? In my eyes, they show more how very skilled you are. I also like your styling in the photos with the lovely fabric.

  44. Thank you Eileen, I will report back after the event. I'm looking forward to see what choices will be made. xo, Gina

  45. Dear Vee, Thank you for commenting. It is so nice that you would participate. I appreciate it. ox, Gina

  46. Thank you Snap. Our heritage day celebrations are always a lot of fun.
    Everyone in our little town is involved. Hoping for good weather. Thanl you for taking the time to cmment. xo, Gina

  47. Dear Ingmarie, The tapestry from Belgium was a happy marriage with my Tondino. If I have a choice I always reach for color. Thank you for your helping me decide.. I will make sure that I have enough color to please those who like the more colorful pieces. ox, Gina

  48. As you know me dear Gina, I love the 'plain' design. Simple but sophisticated! They might be easy salable because everyone could match them up with existing plates/service or....

    Herzlichst, karin

  49. Again, like your request for ideas about your replacement countertops, I had to think about this one...
    My first and final reaction to your request is that your renaissance reproductions are so exquisite, so unusual to be found here in the U.S. (for sale) that I would love to happen upon such a local festival and find your "Italian" knock-offs! (I am brazen, aren't I?)
    Not being an artist myself, I still find it hard when I go to Art Fairs and see a large amount of $10 and under magnets, small paintings for bathrooms, etc. and the Artist always says, "I don't like them, but I have to have some cheap art to sell because there aren't a lot of people who come to these fairs who are ready to pay for my chef d'oeuvres! So...not that your whiteware is in anywhere near the same category as magnets, there probably will be a large percentage of your customers who will fall in love with the "gypsy" work but take the white dishes home because they know where they will put it to use! UGH! No help here, either...

    Mary in Oregon

  50. Dear Karin, you make a good point. White is always elegant and often the pieces can be used with what you already have. Thank you always for giving me good advice. ox, Gina

  51. Dear Mary, I always enjoy hearing from you. I guess what I will do is paint exactly what I have in the past. The Italian pieces have a way of teaching me a bit of history. The new and minimal pieces end up being my originals and make it, each time, a new experience.

  52. Hi Gina, wow, what a choice!! I love both styles, but the freshness of the white is really catching my eye right now. It reminds me of some Austrian pottery pieces I have. I'm off to visit your shop now! Linda

  53. Hi Linda, The same is happening to me...the simple white is getting my attention lately. Will have to see how it goes at the sale.
