Saturday, April 21, 2012

Step by step, my secret weapon, the DUP cake

"The Daughters of the Utah Pioneers" Cake
also known as the DUP Cake.

Are you 18 years or older? Are you a lineal descendant of an ancestor who came to Utah before the completion of the railroad on May 10, 1869?  If so, you might win this cake!

Every year I am asked to contribute my famous, home made cake to the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers (DUP) bake sale. The first year, it was auctioned off to a Professor of History from the "Big City". The next year a member of the DUP won my cake.

The very next year, I received a phone call the night before the bake sale asking me when exactly would I be bringing the cake. The caller was waiting for me at the front door. The next year, the organizer met me at the door and the cake disappeared.

The following year I received a phone call, aksing me to please bring the cake AND the cake recipe. My recipe? Oh no, I can't do that. It is a secret. But I will share my secret with you.

So simple, all you need is one pound cake, your favorite preserves and Butter Cream (recipe follows).

Cut pound cake (Sarah Lee or from Costco) into 3 or 4 slices.

Butter Cream: cream together 1½ sticks soft, unsalted butter,
2 to 2½ cups powdered sugar and
2 to 3 TB fresh lemon juice.

On first layer spread your favorite fruit preserve.

Next  layer spread butter cream filling, and last layer, more preserves.
Cover entire cake with the remaining butter cream.  Decorate with violets or little violas.

Have a lovely weekend my dear
Blogging Friends



  1. I loved this cake the first time I read your post! Still have not made it but now that you have reminded me, I will! Love the addition of the violets. xo

  2. Somebody is indeed going to be lucky!

  3. I am familiar with the "pound cake"..but not the recipe.. its an all American cake. However, I am sure that a light sponge will sufface!
    It looks absolutely divine Gina. You are so inventive.
    You chose a lovely little violet too.. they are edable.
    lovely photos and post
    enjoy your Saturday.

  4. Lucky winner! :-)
    And lucky us, seeing the images of how you present the cake in your home is almost as good as tasting the cake!

    P.S.: I finally changed my blog's template (after more than seven years!).
    Now I'll have to figure out if I can increase my picture size a little.

    A wonderful weekend,

  5. Gina, I love the secret of your prized cake! It truly must just taste fabulous.

    Of course, not everyone having a serving of this fabulous cake will be able to have it served on your fabulous china.

    Something about baking must be in this mid-April air. I actually baked my first cupcakes of this century. It's so funny to write that. The key was finding my old muffin tins and buying some of those little pleated paper cups. (No massive oven spillage resulted.)


  6. Oh this looks so yummy and I may just use strawberry, or maybe apricot preserves, oh yum! Thank you, and so beautiful too~

  7. Hi Barbara, It's the perfect cake to take to a dinner party. You will receive many accolades.

  8. Dear Mark, Yes, but one has to belong to the exclusive club of the DUP.

  9. Dear Val, A sponge cake might work. I think what I like about this combination is that the pound cake is very dense and therefore lends itself well to this recipe.

  10. Dear Merisi, Pound cakes are easy to find in Austria. My Father called it the Wald und Wiesen Kuchen, in other words a very ordinary cake.
    You need to change your while working in HTML code. I may be able to help you. Congratulations on your new blog template.

  11. Dear Frances, Good for you. My DUP cake is even easier than your cupcakes. Don't even need a mixer, it's all done by hand.

  12. Dear Mary, Apricot preserves are especially good with this recipe. The Sarah Lee frozen poundcake is perfect and always ready for last minute gifts.

  13. Thanks for sharing your secret! What a perfect dessert for any time and yours is beautifully decorated with the pansies.

  14. What a pretty cake, it sounds easy to make too. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Have a great week ahead.

  15. Dear Gina, this brings a smile to my face, the simplest things are the best! You have decorated it so beautifully it could go anywhere with pride....I am having book club here this week and you have just solved my dessert dilemma! Thank you! N.xoxo

  16. Hi Kitty, I keep violas around just so I have them ready for this cake.

  17. Hi Eileen, the cake is very easy to make. If the butter cream is a little soft just place in refrigerator for a few minutes.

  18. Dear Nella, Can't wait to hear how it turns out. I think that everyone will love it. It not only looks pretty but it is also delicious. Refrigerate for a few hours for best taste.

  19. Sometimes the simplest things are the best!

    Great to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays. Be sure to visit my most recent post to learn about my GIVEAWAY.

    - The Tablescaper
