Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Every once in a while

A piece comes out of the kiln

The firing went well, the glaze is perfect, the painting is perfect.

Just in time for Heritage Day Sales in two more weeks.

A very large bowl.

Have a great week my dear
Blogging Friends.



  1. Hi, Gina - Your bowl looks great! I think you've created a new species — the Persian Leopard Griffin! Obviously a royal pet.

  2. Dear Mark, absolutely, only royal stuff prevails around here.

  3. Great bowl, and those border layers, all different, compliment each other beautifully,

  4. That is stunning! Now THAT could get me painting again! Actually, I've been in the mood to paint, just haven't gotten my paints out....

  5. Your work is beautiful Gina, we can see what an expert you have become. Does it often happen that a piece is damaged in the kiln?

  6. Dear Rosemary, Painting borders is usually my reward after painting the center motif. It is always the easiest part of the project. Thank you for your lovely compliment. ox Gina

  7. Hello Decoratopia, that is always the hardest part of a project, getting all the materials together.

  8. Dear Sharon, It happens, but seldom. Sometimes the clay and the final glaze (the last coat that seals the colors during firing) are not compatible and I get little pin marks and other aberrations. And then sometimes things happen for which we have no explanation. That is why Murals are always so expensive...if one piece is not right then the entire group of tiles has to be repainted.

  9. Gina, I love your creative talents so very much and the photographs always show them off so well~

  10. Gina, the plate is lovely....and your energy is so amazing as well! You are a little whirlwind I think!! N.xo

  11. Gina, yes, it's grand to take a moment, or quite a few moments, to celebrate a realization of a creation that has fulfilled all wishes.

    This bowl is such a beauty! Glory in it. xo

  12. A stunning plate Gina, Its perfect. You are so very talented . What a great feeling you must get when the plates come out of the kiln, just as you would like.
    wishing you happy Thursday.
    Always love to see your work and posts

  13. Thank you Mary, You always surprise me with the sweetest compliments. Have a great week.
    xo, Gina

  14. Dear Nella, I'm little but I'm no whirlwind. Maybe used to be. But I do love what I'm doing and there are never any absolutely must dos around here. There is always time to sit down and admire the scenery or spend time with old friends.

  15. Dear Frances, I think that is why I like painting ceramics...I'm never quite sure how they will turn out once they are placed in the kiln and the intensive heat does what it does. This particular large bowl is flawless. I have had good success with a new Italian glaze and some changes in my firing program.

  16. Dear Val, The hardest part is waiting for the kiln to cool enough so that I don't crack my work when I take it out of the kiln too early. I always place a new experiment at the very top so that I can sneak a look when it is still too hot to open fully. One of these days I'm going to get caught and ruin a perfectly good piece of ceramic. By the way, I LOVE your new header. Have a great week. xo. Gina

  17. Beautiful! I hope whoever purchases this piece has the perfect place to display it!

  18. Hi Linda, The bowl even has 2 holes in the backfor hanging. It is also food safe. A great bowl to use for serving salads, or pasta, etc. When not in use it's out of the way on a wall or on a stand used as display. It measures 16 inches in diameter. Are you tempted?
    xo, Gina

  19. Hi Gina, I adore this bowl and its intricacy! You amaze me with your talent.

    2012 Artist Series featuring the gifted Decorative Painter Theresa Cheek

    Art by Karena

  20. Dear Karena, So glad that you're featuring Theresa this week. She is a very special and very talented Lady.

  21. Lovely, just lovely. It deserves a place of honor in someone's home.

  22. I totally know that feeling! When all the stars align and everything clicks! It is beautiful! You will have a phenomenal show.

  23. Gina, this is perfection! I admire your work. You are one very talented lady!

  24. Dear Theresa, Yes, you do know. And when everything falls into place it is even more encouragment to do better. ox, Gina

  25. Hello Denise, I'm so glad that you like this piece. It actually is also one of my favorites. Have a lovely weekend and thank you for your visit.

  26. Dear Sarah, painting ceramics is something I really enjoy doing. I think it has something to do with the magic of the glazes and the firing in the kiln. I never know exactly how a piece will turn out. Sometimes, the smallest fleck of dust will ruin an entire weeks worth of work and sometimes everything goes just right.
