Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Too Close

A fire has been raging

Salt Lake Tribune

Only 15 miles from our town.

Saturday evening.  Taken from our house, when the fire first started.

Salt Lake Tribune

53,000 acres have  burned. Homes have been lost, Livestock has perished. 
Hundreds of brave firefighters are risking their lives. 

This has been a very strange year.
High winds, no rain in weeks, no snow in the mountains, freezing temperatures and record highs in June.

No fruit on my trees, none.
My garden doesn't want to grow.

Our chickens are hiding from the sun.

Irrigation water has been shut off until further notice.

We are able to pump water from our pond. 
Our garden will eventually grow.
Warm wishes to you, my dear
Blogging Friends


  1. Dear Gina - what horrific news. Hoping that the fire is now under control, keeping my fingers crossed for you.
    What is going on with the world's weather? Our snowdrops and bluebells were very early, then our lawn developed big cracks from lack of rain, and now we have had enough rain to sink a battleship. One day is very hot, followed by a day that is decidedly much, much cooler..................

  2. Dear Gina - I hope everything fares well for you — I'm sending good thoughts in your direction!

    I am experiencing the outer bands of Tropical Storm Debbie here, with two tornadoes touching down about ten miles from me. The storm is moving very slowly, so I am watching my back yard fill with water, and I will probably be picking up fallen tree branches until the end of the week. I hope that's the worst of it!

  3. Dear Gina, How very distressing! I had no idea there was a fire so close to you. It's been a very weird year. Sending all positive thoughts that you and Gene and your beautiful home stay safe and that no other casualties result from the fire.

    Here we have incessant rain. Very depressing but not life threatening. xoxo – g

  4. Gina, seeing the photo taken from your home of the huge fire on the not-so-distant horizon really does bring a new reality to what's been a continuing tv news story. My goodness!

    What you and previous comments have said about the year's weather is certainly also true here in New York. It is all very odd.

    If only rain (without lightning strikes) would come to your area....


  5. That does look too close for comfort, Gina, and how sad those losses are. I do wonder if there is such a thing as 'normal weather' anywhere in the world any more. My best thoughts and wishes are going to you and your neighbours for a speedy end to the fire.

  6. Gina, this is terrible. I am sending prayers your way. xo

  7. I'm hoping that my prayers and all your other blogging friends' prayers will end that fire- SOON. No way did I think you would be near that horrible devastation.
    We're having a very soggy start to summer here in Eugene - not too good for the Olympic Track Trials, but then, if I was a runner I would probably prefer it to scordhing hot.

    Mary in Oregon

  8. Dear Rosemary, The fire appears to be under control this morning. Strong winds, yesterday afternoon shifted the danger to a little town just 10 miles north of us. Thousands were evauated. Brave firefighters saved the town, winds subsided during the night. We are hoping for the best.
    I don't know what is wrong with the weather. Is it because we have access to so much information when all along unusual weather patterns have been part of our lives. Thank you Rosemary for your concern.

  9. Dear Mark, We are out of danger. We have had very strong winds that seem to kick up the fire every day about noon. We are hoping for the best for our neighbors to the north.
    Thank you for your comment and concern.
    I'm sorry that you are having isues with so much rain. Water is as bad as fire, very destructive.

  10. Dear Georgianna, Most of the fire has been put out. The worries started all over again yesterday afternoon when the winds shifted. Thanks to hundreds of brave firemen the danger to a little town, 10 miles away, was averted. Thank you for your good wishes...they helped a lot. ox, Gina

  11. Dear Frances, Yes, it is rain that we need. Everything is so dry out here in the West and the regular fire season has not even begun.
    Thank you for thinking of us. We are grateful.

  12. Dear Karen, Thank you for your good wishes. The worst is over. We are keeping fingers crossed that the winds will not kick up another hot spot.
    How lovely it was, this morning, to see your beautiful photographs of Venice. I love Venice so much that I had a Venetian Lion carved which was incorporated into our front door stone surround. It is a daily reminder of the lovely city across the ocean.

  13. Dear Barbara, We are breathing a sigh of relief. The worst is over. But many people have lost everything. We are thininking of them. Thank you for your good wishes, they helped.

  14. Dear Mary, please send some of your rain this direction. I suppose, we can't have everything. Thank you for thinking of us. It is so very much appreciated.

  15. I am so sorry, Gina, that your summer has so far been fraught with so much peril and worry!
    Good luck and best wishes,

  16. Hello LindyLou, Thank Goodness, for now, the fires are out. Thank you for thinking of us.

  17. Dear Merisi, things are improving. At least the fires are out. The garden is starting to look better...the weeds are also growing. But there is always time in the evening to sit back and enjoy the fruits of our labor.
    Thank you, Merisi, for being so kind.
