Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Culling Sunflowers

Survival of the fittest.

Natural Selection produces the perfect Sunflower.

Culling the imperfect.

Like this one.

When seedlings first appear I keep those with darker stems.  They usually produce darker colors.  That is true with most flowers.

This one looks very can tell by the outer leaves. 

Same Sunflower as above only a day later, this morning.
The verdict is still out.  It's a Tarahumara, my favorite but the petals will have to straighten out. The plant itself is sturdy and strong and has many side shoots.  All good signs.  It may be a Keeper.  

When this Sunflower first opens it has a green center.  An offspring from a cultivated Tarahumara Sunflower. 

This sunflower is ageing nicely.  I will have to save it before the birds beat me to it.

Only the best are invited into the house.

Have a great remainder of the week my dear
Blogging Friends,



  1. A Joyous post Gina - sunflowers always bring a smile to my face. Little children here like to grow them in competition with one another - who can grow the tallest?

  2. Hello, Gina - I did not know that about plant stems — I'm always learning something here!

  3. Your sunflowers look regal in their place of honor in your home!

    Did you know that Inca priestesses wore sunflower brooches made of gold?

    A wonderful week to you, filled with garden treasures and joy,

  4. Wonderful photos from the different sunflowers. I have some of them on my balcony.
    Best regards, Synnöve

  5. Wow breathtaking, I felt like I could almost reach in and touch them!! So pretty......

  6. Gina, you are a very generous teacher! I have never seen sunflowers growing, and so never knew any of what you've kindly passed along.

    All your photographic examples look fabulous to me. I particularly like the picture of the "promising" emerging bloom, and wonder if you would mind my using it for a sketchbook drawing study. Mind you, I might never get around to it, but I really love the image.


  7. Wow, Gina. Picky, picky, picky !!! And we get to benefit from your resourceful choices of the fitest! I, too, am amazed at the sunflower with the pointed leaves and the yellow parts all hidden deep inside it's center. I grew sunflowers in Wisconsin (in another life!) but I never, ever, was able to catch one opening like your photo. Merci beaucoup.

    Mary in Oregon

  8. Dear Rosemary, what a great idea. Maybe a few of those lucky children will remember and become great gardeners or at least love and recognize different flora and fauna.

  9. Dear Mark, And I am learning from you every time you post a new blog. Isn't it great that we can learn from each other.

  10. Hello Synnöve, Welcome and thank you for your visit. Would love to see your sunflowers growing on your balcony.

  11. Dear Tina, Thank you for your visit. Sunflowers are so easy to grow. Try some next year and watch the birds planting them for you.

  12. Dear Frances, you are so welcome to use the promising sunflower photo. I have posted a new photograph of the same sunflower starting to open this morning. You will see it right under the "promising" one.

  13. Dear Mary, I am lucky in that I have a very large patch of sunflowers growing within my squash field. They make a big and messy jungle, just the way I like it.

  14. SO beautifully perfect blossoms. As a Kansas girl, I too take photos of sunflowers!

  15. Hello Pat. Thank you for your visit. Your sunflower photos are beautiful.

  16. Absolutely marvelous Gina, I have been to a Sunflower farm and loved being able to pick - had never thought about the selection process! Lovely photos - I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  17. Hi Kathy, Sunfloower Farms are such a great idea. Thank you for hosting and letting me join your party.
