Thursday, August 2, 2012

Is this when I panic?

When my Garden goes into overdrive.

Invert plate over thinly sliced cucumbers and place heavy weight on top of plate.
Let stand for a few hours, pour off liquid,  then season with salt, pepper and a little honey, and chill for a refreshing summer salad.

Beets, Cabbages, Cucumbers and Peppers are ready.

I planted Dill and Fennel on either side of my cabbages to keep the dreaded cabbage worm away. 
It's not working too well.

 Blanch each cabbage leaf for a few minutes to make Cabbage Rolls.

Fill leaves with ground beef and onion mixture.
Saute in a little unsalted butter and olive oil.
Make a flour gravy and pour over cabbage rolls and bake in oven for 40 minutes at 350 degrees.

Peppers are ready to be stuffed and put away for winter months.

Blanch for a few minutes to soften skin.

Then stuff with a mixture of ground beef, onions and rice, flavored with home made tomato sauce. Bake in oven for forty minutes at 350 degrees.

Charlie has seen it all before.

Lucy is ever hopeful that a morsel or two will come her way.

 Gene  helped our neighbor by taking the sheep wagon to the high mountains.  Then he had to move the cattle to a new pasture. The new pasture has three territorial bulls on all sides just waiting for a little excitement.  A temporary fence was installed.

 Apricots were waiting for me and made into preserves. 

My reward?
Flowers from my Garden.

Wishing you well
my dear
Blogging Friends.




  1. The cabbage rolls and stuffed peppers look so delicious. And your apricot jam, too. I am going to try the cucumbers prepared that way. Thanks for all the veggie inspiration today. xo

  2. Dear Gina - I am exhausted just reading all of this - where do you get all of your energy from. I could do with some of your lovely cabbage rolls and stuffed peppers. I have my eldest son and his family staying but they return to Norway tomorrow, and on Saturday youngest son and his family arrive. Feeding them all and changing the bedlinen is about all I can manage.

  3. Yum - Yum. I, too might make some cabbage rolls or those stuffed green peppers are enticing, too. Merci for the menu suggestions, Gina. If I felt lazy, just some of those apricot preserves on some whole wheat, 7-grain toast would be nice, especially when the afternoon heats up! That pitcher would work well in my kitchen to hold down some cuc slices! Very beautiful, indeed.

    Mary in Oregon

  4. When I was reading this post and looking at the gorgeous vegetables Gina, I thought back to what seems like just a few weeks ago when those fires were on the horizon.

    Isn't nature remarkable? It can grant us mere humans some loss, and then as the seasons move, grant such bounty. I love reading your posts, to see what you've created with your painting talent and pottery skill, but also because you do seem to have a very good sense of balance. Culture, history, nature...all can be found not too far from a certain alfalfa field.

    Hoping you all do get those alpha bulls into their respective domains!

    It's clear that your garden (even with the threat to your cabbages) is going to provide many delicious meals, and much inspiration for your brushes and paint.


  5. Gina, your productivity astounds me! I see how you capture the tastes and colours of summer to last you through the snowbound winter months.
    My favourite picture is Charlie, his posture showing a relaxed indifference but his ears half-cocked and eyes on the action!

  6. Dear Barbara F, Come winter we are always happy that we took a little extra time and planned ahead. Both the peppers and the cabbage rolls freeze well, especially when we use the "Food Saver" method.

  7. Dear Rosemary, I know about having guests. There is always so much to do. After cooking and cleaning and changing linens, I just give up and join the festivities. Even with all the extra work I always enjoy our visitors and I know that you feel the same.

  8. Dear Mary, Why not make a small batch of preserves? All it takes is a little fruit, fresh lemon juice and sugar to taste. Cook until thickened and pour into sterilized glasses. You will be so proud of yourself. Give it a try.

  9. Dear Frances, What a lovely comment you left for me! I am so humbled by your beautiful thoughts. The fires are all out and we have had a week of lovely rain. What first appeared to be a very poor year has turned out well for my vegetable garden. Thank you so much for your visit.

  10. Dear Karen, We love our Charlie and sweet little Lucy. You described Charlie perfectly...he appears to be so nonchalant. But he is the finest watch dog. Every night he lays by the front door. Only when the last person heads upstairs does he leave his post to continue his vigil.

  11. Dear Gina,
    I get so excited when i read your posts. They are full of energy . You write from the heart. Your photos are divine, your pottery..well, you know what i think about them all! wish i could have all of it.
    Your veggi patch looks great.
    I have done my cucumbers like that since my mother taught me as a young girl.. I love them. for salads or especially on the traditional english cucumber sandwich.
    Charlie looks as happy as anything.
    Enjoy your weekend Gina,
    sending hugs
    val x x x

  12. Dear Gina, I'm glad to be introduced to Charlie and Lucy. Yes, I can see that very little escapes Charlie's notice.

    I look at all the work you do, Gina, and hope that you, like the Little Red Hen, can sit back at the end of the day and enjoy the rewards of all your effort!

  13. Well, I guess cabbage rolls are on my list now. Yours look delicious...but that is as far as I am going! In the past, I have made innumerable jars of tomato sauces, jams. jellies and other produce. I would rather hold a paint brush most of the time now!


  14. Wow, oh wow, everything you touch turns to gold;') I love your craft and now your gardens, your fresh veggies, those cows/bulls, the lovely doggie friends, all of it...seems you have a very charming life. I love stuffed cabbage leaves...yum, makes me hungry from some~

  15. Dear Val, How interesting that your mother prepared the same cucumber salad recipe. I have only one item from my Mothers' kitchen in East Prussia, her crystal serving bowls which were only used for this particular salad.

  16. Dear Mark, Not to worry. We take plenty of time out and do nothing. Today, friends are coming over at 2 this afternoon. There will be crostini and wine and lots of conversation.

  17. Dear Theresa, Let me know how your cabbage rolls turn out. They have always been my most favorite meal.
    It is enough to know HOW TO in putting up sauces and jellies. Painting is always better, it lasts much longer.

  18. Dear Mary, Thank you for all those lovely compliments. Thank you also for your visit. Thank you for taking the time to comment. It is so appreciated.

  19. Gina, I'm always inspired when I view one of your beautiful posts. There is beauty and poetry throughout! You are one amazing lady. Is there anything you can 't do? I so enjoy seeing all your beautiful ceramics, view of your life, and the joys of your garden. Bravo! ~ Sarah

  20. Wonderful harvest of summer's abundance! I spied those three round summer squashes, the green, white, and yellow one. I recently had the good luck to find them at the local supermarket, organic. I made buttermilk squash soup with them and ate them cold, topped with a tablespoon of Greek yogurt and a splash of basil oil.

    Your Charlie seems to try to make himself as small as possible, lest he be called to help with putting the vegetables up for winter!

    A wonderful week to you,

  21. Wow, you do have lots of energy to get all this done. Your images are beautiful, and your harvest looks divine. Your pottery is always striking.

  22. What time is dinner? This looks delicious!

  23. Dear Sarah, You are much too kind. So many things I can't do. I can name hundreds of things. So glad you stopped by. Thank you.

  24. Dear Merisi, Will you do a post about your buttermilk squash soup? I would love the sounds delicious.
    Charlie doesn't stray far from what is going on in the kitchen, neither does Lucy. They like to be part of the human scene.

  25. Hello Judy, I am so pleased to see your comment. That is why most of us blog. It is generous praise like yours that keep us blogging. Thank you for your visit.

  26. Hello Scribbler and welcome. Soup's on. Come by anytime.
