Wednesday, August 29, 2012

It's always the same

This time of Year.
(I'm actually glad, that means I'm still around).  
There is the Artist Studio Tour
A kitchen Mural painted in the Antique Style.

Visitors come from everywhere.
  I paint and paint to get ready for the Show. 
 My Interlaken grapes are ripe and cucumbers and berries have been canned.

My corner "Studio" is in the back of my kitchen and the kiln is working overtime in the basement.
Another Mural (detail), this one painted in the "new" style.

There is always enough to share with family and friends. 

Today is the last day I can paint.
Tomorrow, everything goes into the kiln to be ready bright and early Saturday morning.
Wish me luck.


  1. That 'new style' mural is fabulous, Gina! I don't have any wall space (tiny 9x10 kitchen) or I would order that fore sure! I'm reading the Hunchback of Notre Dame right now (just in the early part) which is set in the 1500's - an era I really enjoy. That mural is heavenly!

    Good wishes for many sales!

  2. Dear Gina - I wish you all of the luck in the world, and hope everything goes really well for you.
    Now, I think I must decorate my jars, they look just plain boring compared to yours.

  3. Hi Gina

    Greetings from Ireland

    Wow your work is beautiful
    absolutely stunning

    I love your jars too
    your friends and family are lucky to receive those as gifts!

    All lovely

    Have a good week


  4. Wishing you lots of luck for Saturday Gina,
    Your jars of fruits and jams look divine.
    Your work is so amazing. Love the fruit bowl.
    Your murals will be sold straight away..they are so beautiful.

  5. I do wish you luck, but then I know you're good at making your own. (Chance favors the prepared mind, and I know you are very good indeed at preparing!) Your labels are superb, by the way – I think you're ready to add a marketing firm to that kitchen!

  6. Dear Mary, Thank you for your sweet compliment. The "Hunter Mural" was sold yesterday, before the official event. It found a very good home but it's always hard for me to let things go. I actually bought the design (drawing on paper) from a maiolica painter in Ferrara, Italy. It was hanging on his studio wall and he thought that it was very odd that I wanted to purchase it. I even made him sign it.

  7. Dear Rosemary, your beautiful photographs would look sensational on your canning jars. I print mine on very ordinary paper and then glue them onto the jars. I usually add some silly text, such as Gina's fabulous Peach Preserves, or Gina's famous Champagne Grape Jelly. It's all in fun.

  8. Dear Val, Thank you for wishing me luck. Hope the weather will hold out. I would like to be outside with our mature garden where I might even share some of our bountiful harvest with my customers.

  9. Hi Laurie, I'm so glad that you like my Murals. They are very time consuming but so rewarding to paint. I always worry that one tile will not turn out because they are always so difficult to match. So far so good.

  10. I like the way you think, Mark. You may be retired but your head is still in the Market Place.
    Luckily, for my jar labels, I have plenty of material. I may have forgotten to which home some of my ceramics went, but thanks to science I still have them available to be used in a new application.

  11. Hello Fiona and thank you for your visit and lovely compliment. I am so pleased to hear from you...and all they way from Ireland! Have a great remainder of the week. Thank you also for your good wishes.

  12. My dear Gina
    I tried to found you at last days but I couldn't... Now I found from Val !Great post and wonderful photos .
    Thank you that you follow me , I am the newest follower now.

  13. This much creativity does not need luck, Gina. It all looks delightful and the jam jar labels with their hand written messages make my mouth water! Every good wish for a successful Saturday.

  14. Hello Olympia, I'm so glad that you dropped by. Thank you for becoming my newest Follower. I appreciate it very much. Have agreat week.

  15. Hello Rosemary, Have enjoyed your photos of your garden and flowers. Thank you for your good wishes. I'll report back in a couple of days.

  16. Thank you for the preview of the Studio Tour in your home!
    You must have been so busy and working hard these last few weeks.
    Wishing you the very best for Sunday's tour,

    Thank you so much for writing about watermarking! I have had my share of negative reactions to the watermarks, but I'll stick with it.

  17. Dear Merisi, yes, keep watermarking your photographs, it's a good idea.
