Saturday, August 11, 2012

Mon Bouquet du Jour

Mein Sonntag Strauss am Sonnabend.
And a gift to the first three lucky visitors who can identify the very last flower.

My Sweet Peas and the last of my Icelandic Poppies.

So many lovely flowers blooming in my garden right now.

Is it because they are such a challenge that they are my favorites?
The Salpiglossis.

Can you identify this flower growing in my garden. 
Please leave your answer by going to my Etsy shop. 
(All you have to do is click on Maiolica, at top of my blog in the Etsy box)

The first three visitors who leave the correct answer will receive one of my
famous hand painted "Fancy Feet"

Wishing you a beautiful week ahead my dear
Blogging Friends.



  1. Dear Gina,
    I am hopless at names of flowers. However. I must say that your garden is a painters pallette.. its full of life and brightness ..its gorgeous.. I have to admit, i am a little envious.. how I wish i could grow so many lovely blooms and plants.
    good luck to the winners. I tried my luck over at "Where five valley's meet"
    no luck.. my mother was the gardener.
    beautiful photos.
    happy weekend.

  2. My best guess would be a wild snapdragon.

  3. Dear Val, And a happy weekend to you. Often all you have to do is throw out a mix of flowers and watch them grow. That is if you you can get enough water to them so that they can germinate. I love flower mixes because there are always a few surprises in them. Why not give them a try.

  4. Hello Tammy. Thank you for giving it a try. It is not a snapdragon, I'm sorry, and it is not related to the sapdragon. But it does look a bit like it doesn't it.

  5. Interesting flower with the petals so far apart. Lovely fuchsia coloring.
    I have no idea it's name and I don't have the time today to search - but thanks for giving me the opportunity!

    Mary in Oregon

  6. Dear Mary, That is exactly what the flower looks like...including the fuzzy center. Give it a try when you have a little time I have had a few good guesses sent to my Etsy site but none, so far, have identified the flower correctly.

  7. They all so pretty and colorful. Just gorgeous. I think my favorite are the poppies.

  8. Can I try again? Is it a cephalotus...or flycatcher?

  9. Hello Eileen, Poppies are also on my favorite flower list. Thank you for stopping by.

  10. Hello Tammy, You may try as many times as you like. It is not a flycatcher but that is an interesting choice...they also have very hairy centers.

  11. To me it looks like a Queen's Crape-myrtle but this is a tropical plant and would be hard to grow where you live.

  12. Hello Maria, I looked up Queen's Grape Myrtle. Some of the varieties look very similar. But sorry no, that is not the right answer.

  13. Hi Gypsy and hello Darlene, You have both come up with a couple of good answer. But so far, they are not correct. But please keep on trying.

  14. Hello Gina. is the mystery flower an Erodium Cicutarium? More commonly called Filaree or Redstem Storks Bill? Your flower gardens are amazing ! Too hot in Texas for such brilliant colors! Thanks

  15. Hi Mandy, You get an A for effort. But sadly, that's not what it is. Why not give it another try. We've had cool nights that helps my flowers because our days have also been very hot.

  16. Hi Gina, is the mystery flower a cha cha cuphea? i have had the orange cigar shaped bat faced cuphea. good summer bloomer !

  17. By George, I think Mandy got it. Just looked it up and that's what you're growing! I see it will grow in Texas. I've had lots of Mexican Heather here, but it never looked like that! GORGEOUS!

  18. Hi Mandy, Congratulations! The Mystery Flower is a Cuphea Ilavea, very much like the cha cha, only slightly different color. Please send me your address through my Etsy shop and your prize will be on its way. Thank you for sticking with it and participating.

  19. Hi Tammy, By George you are right. Mandy figured it out. It is a flower that is a member of the Loosestrife family from the tropical regions of central America and Mexico.
