Monday, August 20, 2012

When Petals fall

Gather them.

And make an old fashioned Moist Potpourri.

Loved by Gertrude Jekyll: "The dry is much the easier and quicker to make, but is neither so sweet nor so enduring".

So, don't waste those lovely petals.  Making moist Potpourri is very easy, it is the oldest way of making Potpourri. 

You will need partially dried rose petals and coarse, non-iodized salt.

Layer rose petals and salt in a non-porous container.
Ratio of 3 to1, petals to salt.

Keep adding rose petals as they are available. 
Keep in dark splace, tightly closed.  As you add more petals and salt over time, stir with a wooden spoon. 

 This is my moist potpourri, more than 20 years old.
Still has the most divine and mysterious perfume. 
I know, it's not very pretty.
It is meant to be hidden in a beautiful and perforated container. 

You may want to add the following: Lavender Flowers, Rose Geranium Leaves, Essential Oils, Lemon Peel, Orange Peel, powdered orris root.

Your moist potpourri is ready to use in about 6 months.

Have a lovely week my dear
Blogging Friends.



  1. Thank you Gina,
    I am ready to dead head my roses. I have so many of them. This is exactly what i will do. I have a few jars like the one you show.
    I have never heard of this before. I love it.
    Can't wait to do this.. who would think of salt to bring out the smell.!
    wishing you a happy week

  2. Dear Gina - you are the fountain of all knowledge, especially where flowers are concerned, and also very generous with your sharing.

  3. Dear Gina, Thank you for sharing this recipe! My mother's potpourri sits unused in a kitchen cabinet, and this posting has given me resolve to remedy that!

  4. Dear Val, Have you noticed that lavender roses have a more succint perfume. I try to grow lavender roses (which die every winter)every year for that very reason. The salt actually preserves the petals and hence preserves the perfume.

  5. Dear Rosemary, It is you who is always so generous in sharing your knowledge and expertise. The blogging milieu has many surprises in store for us... most often positive but then, as you recently found out, a blogger will disappoint. I am sorry that you had an unpleasant experience.

  6. Dear Mark, Do you remeber your Mother's recipe for potpourri? I would love to know her ingredients. And, Mark, it's about time you brought it out of the cupboard.

    1. Sadly, I do not have a recipe from my mother. She was the last person to be called a green thumb, and I believe her approach was to add her favorite perfume to older potpourri.

  7. I remember doing this with my daughters when we had an English cottage garden to gather petals from. :)

  8. Hello, dear Gina! This version I think I could manage. Indeed, I have plenty of petals to use! Our roses are having their best year so far and I am enjoying them thoroughly.

    Thank you for the recipe – I hope you and Gene are enjoying a lovely August in your beautiful garden.

    xo – g

  9. What a clever Lady your Mother was Mark. I have added a little rose perfume now and then to mine. I found rose essence at the spice market in Cairo that was so strong I couldn't wear it but it is perfect for adding a drop or two to my potpourri.

  10. Hi LindyLou, You probably started something. Your daughter may still be making potpourri and remembering the lovely time you had working on a project together.

  11. My dear Georgianna, I have seen your roses. Lovelier blooms are not to be found anywhere. I am so happy that you will put them to good use. This way you will be able to share their beauty. And, your potpourri should be aged perfectly by the holidays.

  12. What a lovely post Gina! I made moist potpourri in my early years of marriage..haven't thought about it in decades! I need to do this again.

  13. Dear Gina, you have such a way with flowers...always so delightfully romantic...can you believe, i've never heard of moist potpourri...i've got roses on my roof terrace, now...well only 3 actually and will be sure to keep the petals !

  14. Dear Theresa, I am not surprised that you know how to make moist potpourri. Maybe you will share your recipe with us.

  15. Dear Lala, I love your new jewelery. It doesn't take long to save enough petals to make potpourri.

  16. Hello Gina

    I just found your beautiful blog, through Val, who spoke of you today and the process you use in making potpourri. I am your new follower and look forward to reading your previous and future posts.


  17. Hello Helen, I'm so glad you stopped by. And thank you for becoming my newest Follower.
    Our town is having a Plein Aire competition this week. It is a yearly event which also includes the "Artist Studio Tour". Maybe you can join us next year.
