Thursday, September 13, 2012


A calorie conscious, well known Chef, asked his television audience:
what would you omit, the butter or the preserves from your toast? 
In unison, they all duty fully responded:  the butter, of course.

Preserves only.

No Thank You!  I would rather have none.

I must have butter on my toast AND my home-made preserves.

It's what I look forward to.  Every morning, a cup of coffee and a piece of toast with a moderate amount of unsalted butter and a BIG dollop of my home - made preserves.

And a very Good Morning to you  my dear
Blogging Friends.



  1. OH Gina, That is just the way that I would have it.
    Butter and the home made jam.
    Your pesentation of your jam's in their beautiful jars is superb.
    Who worries about a few calories now and then. We can leave other things out.
    xx val

  2. Gina, I wish you sold preserves through your Etsy. I can only imagine how delicious they are with your homegrown produce. (And magic touch ;-) ). xo

  3. Dear Gina - Another great cook (I don't think she ever referred to herself as a chef), Julia Child, once spoke of the virtues of butter, and she said — I remember hearing her say this on TV — that without butter we'd have more dandruff! So for those who feel guilty eating butter, just think of it as part of your beauty regimen!

  4. A very moorish post Gina - I must go and make myself a piece of toast now with some of my marrow lemon curd.

  5. Hello Seraphina, what a pretty name! So glad you stopped by.

  6. Exactly Val, we can leave other things out; like chocolate and ice cream. Don't want to but have to. However, experts say that a little piece of chocolate every day is good for you.

  7. Dear Barbara F, I have listed my preserves in Etsy. The problem is the cost of shipping. The jars are so heavy. You'll just have to come by for a visit and load up. I have lots of it.

  8. Duly noted Mark. Thanks for the tip. For some reason everything tastes better with a little butter added. I have noticed that most chefs cook with a combination of olive oil and butter. It works for me.

  9. Dear Rosemary, I'm going to try your recipe for marrow lemon curd. Just the name sounds fascinating.

  10. Dear Gina, So right. Toast needs both. My ritual would be tea or coffee, toast with butter and jam, AND "Art and Alfalfa." Best way to start the day!

  11. Nowadays I rarely have butter on my toast just the jam or marmite :)

  12. Me, too, Lindy! I forego the butter to heap up on the preserves!

  13. Hello Darlene, You are a girl after my own heart. That is how I approach the computer early in the morning..

  14. Replies
    1. In case Lindylou does not come back - marmite is a very British thing, and when you go to live in Italy like Lindylou has, you still need your fix of marmite. It is difficult to describe what it tastes like, it is savoury, and made from yeast extract. My daughter-in-law in Norway always takes a large jar of it back to Norway when they have been over. I remember we once had some German's staying on an exchange, and they tried marmite at breakfast because our sons were having it on toast. When they tasted it they screwed their faces up, and said, "I would not give this to my children". However, we all grow up on it, and most British people love it.

  15. Hi Mary, Isn't it wonderful that we all know what we like.

  16. Dear Rosemary, Thanks for the explanation. Now I'm really curious about the taste of marmite. I love savouri and like the idea of yeast extract...a little extra vitamin B is always a good thing.
