Monday, September 10, 2012

Pesto, Pesto do your very Besto

Pesto, Pesto.

I grow my Basil  next to a row of coriander that I let go to seed for next years' production.  The coriander shades the basil, stunting its growth and keeping it from bolting.

I don't have a recipe.  You don't need one either.  Combine the following ingredients in a blender:
chopped basil, olive oil, pine nuts, garlic cloves, lemon juice and salt. 
There is no right or wrong.  Trust  your own taste buds, they will tell you how much of each ingredient you should add.

I add a few pistachio nuts at the end for a little extra crunch.

On the other side of the coriander grows my basil, shaded from the sun and heat.

Place 2 tablespoons of pesto inside a small sheet of saran wrap. Twist both ends and place in freezer.  The next day place pesto twists into plastic sandwich  bags.  Take out individual twists as needed.

Do you need to know what the "G" is all about?
They are a different recipe, concocted by Mr. G.

Note: our brilliant Lawyer friend Steven, showed us how to make these little pesto twists.

If this is your first time making pesto, here is a little help:
3 cups of chopped basil leaves
1/4 cup pine nuts
2oz Parmesan cheese (optional)
3/4 tsp coarse salt
5 TB olive oil
1 TB lemon juice
2 med garlic cloves
Combine and mix in blender.

If you want to make the BEST Pesto ever, leave your electric mixer in the cupboard and chop and crush all ingredients by hand. 

Have a great week my dear
Blogging Friends.


  1. Your photos are wonderful Gina
    and the recipe sounds delicious.

    I love pesto but have never made it.

    I hope that you have a lovely week


  2. Oh dear, I shouldn't have read this posting at the 5 o'clock hour! Now I'm salivating and must stop to see what's in the fridge!

    Do the "G" packets mean that Mr. G. wants to have his personal cache, or does he share? :o)

  3. Pesto is one of life's essentials - thanks for sharing the recipe! Beautiful pictures as always - your kitchen and garden are a treat for the senses.

  4. Enticing photos Gina - one of my favourite store cupboard items - one of the most rewarding things to make.

  5. Hello Fiona, Pesto is so easy to make and if you don't have pine nuts, almonds, pistachios or pecans will do.

  6. Dear Mark, Mr G likes to be part of the process and rightly so...he does all of the hard work in our garden. And he always shares.

  7. Dear Karen, I agree with you. Basil pesto is one of the essentials. What is easier to make and so rich in flavor and so perfect for a pasta dish?

  8. Dear Rosemary, So true. Isn't that what Summer and gardening is all about? This way we can extend the seasons a little longer.

  9. Oh! that is clever. I wish I had thought of that before. How nice to have pesto on hand. Thank you so much for this handy tip.

    I just saw on Pinterest a tip to save fresh herbs in olive oil by freezing them in ice cube trays. You would quickly blanch herbs and cool them down immediately in ice water, the person said to not cut them, but I'm not sure how that would work with large sturdy leaves. She then said put olive oil and the herbs into ice cube trays and freeze them. They will be ready for you when you cook. I think I'll have to try that too.

  10. Hello Darlene, I think that is a good idea. Do try both ways. Crushing basil in a blender with other ingredients makes for denser and more flavorfull additions to your meal, I think. Either way, each idea has advantages.

  11. I love your photos and art work. Also, thanks for the tip on planting the coriander next to the basil for shade. My basil was somewhat protected by my kale, but not much. Coriander is a new plant for me, so this will be fun. Yvonne

  12. Hi Mumzie and welcome. Yes, give coriander a try. It's a great plant when young (cilantro. You can rost the seeds in a pan for extra flavoring in your dishes. Of course, blooming coriander looks great in flower arrangements.
    I have also planted basil between tomato plants and for the same reason.

  13. Gina, Thanks so much! I made up some of your Pesto tonight for dinner and it was delicious. Since the hubs works evening, I'm often eating along and those little packets will come in handy. So,I'm picking tons of basil and making pesto twists for this winter. Thanks again. Yvonne

  14. Hello Yvonne, Great idea!. Let me know how you like your version of pesto. Did you add cheese in yours? Either way, I know that you will love these convenient little bursts of flavor.
