Sunday, December 2, 2012

Today is the First Advent

Advent Sunday is the fourth Sunday BEFORE Christmas Day. 
This year it falls on December the second, today. 

How excited we were.
Running up four flights of stairs to wake up the first Räuchermann (incense smoker).
Impatiently waiting for grown ups to catch up.

German ebay

 Gently taking him out of his box, gently carrying him down to the Gute Stube (the best room of the house).  Only good little girls and good little boys are allowed to carry him. 
Placing  him on the fireplace mantle where he fills the air with exotic incense. And where soon he will be joined by three more Räuchermännchen, the next three Sundays.
Christmas Season had officially begun.

German ebay

Cone incense is placed inside and lit.

German ebay

We were spellbound, waiting for the smoke to come out of their mouths.

The tradition is observed in many parts of Germany and other central European countries. But nowhere more celebrated than in the Erzgebirge (Ore Mountains) central Europe near the Saxony/Bohemia border. 
Ore Mountain Folk Art, in the form of Smoking Figures (Räuchermännchen), Christmas Pyramids, Nutcrackers and many other colorful and hand carved ornaments are known the world over.

Happy First Advent to you, my dear
Blogging Friends.



  1. Dear Gina - these little incense smokers are delightful the whole concept is new to me. I am familiar with the nutcracker men having seen them in Vienna.
    They must look very exciting to young children when they smoke, and add to the mounting anticipation that Christmas is coming.

    1. Dear Rosemary, Christmas used to be so magical, maybe it still has to be very young to feel such excitement and anticipation.

  2. Just so, so lovely, my dear Gina! Alte Kindheitstraeume werde wach.....:)

    Wuensche Dir und Gene noch einen wunderschoenen 1. Advent and - let me assure you - you're both in my mind!
    Ron and me, we still talk about how much we've enjoyed your visit!

    Herzlichst, karin

    1. Dear Karin, I'm so glad that you also remember some of the "old ways". Our visit with you was extra special. My mouth is watering when I think of the incredible duck confit dinner you served.

  3. 021Dear Gina - I was not familiar with these smokers, though our family did have a ring of angels in the same style. candles made them rotate and ring a bell — I'm sure there's a name for it . . .

    1. Dear Mrk, Yes, there is a name for it. It is called Kerzenspiel. It is one of the more simple yet fascinating Wheinachts Spiele. To think that a lit candle could mobilize such a beautiful sound.

  4. Hello Gina, let me join the queue of folks to whom you've introduced a new folk art form. Thank you so much...these incense smokers are full of spirit and very jolly!


    1. Dear Frances, It is a lovely tradition, one I hope, is still being practiced. Have been enjoying your photos of New York. Next best thing to being there.

  5. I'm spellbound just reading this! I own a new incense smoker, your vintage pictures are wonderful!

    1. Dear Theresa, I am intrigued. What does your smokingman look like and what is the story behind it? I was surprised to see so many antique Christmas decorations on German ebay.

  6. what a delightful tradition. The house must smell wonderful!
    Have a wonderful week. I am linking up to you through Mosaic Monday.

  7. A delightful whimsical post, just enchanting.

  8. What a wonderful story Gina.
    I have never heard of these men, the figueres all look fascinating each telling a tale!
    wishing you a happy Monday
    val x

    1. Thank you dear Val. I love the old figures. I was so surprised to see so many available on German ebay. I'm tempted to try and recreate the tradition. But as you know so well, often, it is never the same. ox, Gina

  9. Hello Jill, Thank you so much for stopping by. It is so appreciated. Have a great week.

  10. Hello Maggie, Thank you for your visit. I'm so glad that you liked this post. It's fun to have been part of old traditions.

  11. Hi LindyLou, Traditions are wonderful. We need to share more of them...they enrich our lives. Thank you for your visit. ox, Gina

  12. Gina, I am not familiar with this incense smokers but they are adorable. Thanks for linking to the Open House party and Happy Holidays. Hugs, Sherry

  13. Happy Holidays to you Sherry. I love visiting your beautiful blog. Always full of interesting ideas and lovely pbotos.

  14. Great post!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  15. Hello Gary, thank you for your visit. And thank you for your very nice compliment.

  16. Que linda tradição! Gostei muito das suas imagens

  17. Thank you so very muchy Zizi and how nice of you to visit and leave a comment. ox, Gina
