Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Kiss me over the Garden Gate

Also known as
Love Lies Bleeding and
Kiss me over the Garden Gate.
What names for such an insignificant flower!

photo by cheap seeds

Seed Catalogs arriving.
Catalogs come earlier and earlier every year.

My kitchen garden, in front of barn, is under several feet of snow.

But I have flowers blooming.

In my little greenhouse which is heated by the sun.

Even a few lemons growing in my greenhouse.

Soon I will start a few seed beds for my special flowers and vegetables.

In the meantime there will be a few more serious snowstorms.
Not putting the cross country skis away yet.

Have a great week my dear 
Blogging Friends.



  1. Hello, Gina!

    It's only January 9th, very cold here in Michigan, but like you, I'm mentally preparing for the arrival of spring with forced bulbs all through my home and studio! As soon as the Christmas decorations come down, I love to change things around and fill every pot with hyacinth, tulips and daffodils... The scent and color are like a tonic, and make these dark months more enjoyable. Maybe this summer we'll build a greenhouse like you, and get an earlier start in the garden...
    Warm regards,

    1. Dear Erika, Without my greenhouse winter would be much too long. My greenhouse was built about 5 feet below ground. It is south facing and has a solid dark blue (black would be better, just don't like the color) wall. When the sun shines the wall soaks up the heat and gives off the warmth during the night. In my case, it also heats my garage. Seldom do we need to turn on the space heater, even in the coldest month.

  2. Gina, somehow I have attracted the attentions of several seed catalogues. That's funny because I don't even have permission for a window box here in my apartment. All the same, those lovely pictures of flowers with fabulous names launch many pleasant daydreams.

    How wonderful to be able to have a solar-powered greenhouse and to grow lemons in January! Wow!!

    So far this winter season, we've had no need for any snow shoveling here in NYC, but it's still early days....


    1. Dear Frances, I have several older citrus fruit small trees growing in my greenhouse. They all go outside in the Spring and Summer. That is when they blossom and become fertilized by the bees. It then takes another 5 to 6 months to harvest time.

  3. I kiss you "over the blogs", my dear Gina!
    Truly lovely names for this plant. Oh, seeing the snow around your house - BRRH! Keep warm, enjoy your flowering greenhouse (I envy you), all these garden magazines and dream of spring!
    Der nächste Frühling kommt bestimmt" as we say in German :)

    1. Dear Karin, I would like to just pick up and move south every year during some of the winter months. It has warmed up a bit. It was only minus 6 degrees fahrenheit last night. 100% snow is predicted for tomorrow. But the skies are brilliantly blue and the stars sparkle in profusion.

  4. Your image of seed catalogs reminded me of my father, who loved to look through Burpee catalogs in the middle of winter. he also subscribed to the Farmer's Almanac.

    1. Dear Mark, Burpee seed catalogs are still one of my favorites. Many people live by the Farmer's Almanac. The Almanac has predicted a wet Spring for us this yer...I hope the're right. We need the moisture.
      Was your Father a gardener?

  5. Fresh lemons growing under glass while the snow blows outside in Utah! FUN! FRESH! I want to smell that citrus!

  6. Dear Mary, One of my citrus trees has a few new blossoms. If I want lemons I need to take one of my paint brushes and do a little bee work. It is amazing how it only takes a few blossoms to perfume the entire greenhouse.

  7. Must be so great to have a greenhouse and be able to grow flowers all year long. That really is a dream of me.
    Love your blog,

  8. Dear Marian, Thank you so very much for your comment and thank you also for becoming my newest Follower. Welcome. ox, Gina
