Monday, January 14, 2013

They could save a life

Two pieces of wood and a string.

And a sturdy nail into each end could save a life.

I love our pond... but not in winter.
See those footprints, they are heading straight for the thin ice.

Part of our pond never freezes, near the deep Spring where the water temperature is 65 degrees year round. 

After thinking long and hard we decided to lower the pond for the winter months. 

Large machinery and a friend with precise maneuvering skills made quick work of the task. 

He even cleaned out the ditches which carry the water to our fields.  
The water flowed so fast that many fish became stranded.  I gathered them into a bucket of water and carried them back to the Pond. 

An old farm Disk sat in one of the corners, getting in the way when harvesting our fields.  

Because the  equipment could only lift the Disk so far,

Our Friend backed up his big truck until it was level with the disk. He backed the truck into the machine (not the other way around) until it was swallowed up. 

When I asked him if he was going to use it as a "sculpture", on his farm, our Friend surprised me by saying that "he would see if he could make it work again". 
Not much is wasted in this small farm community.  

If you live near frozen waters you must have one of these in the ready.  Wear it around your neck and if you should fall through the ice, these handles can pull you up and on top of the ice.  

Just in case and nearby our pond, a boat for the open water, a rake to reach with and what could be a lifesaver...a simple string with two wooden handles. 

By opening the spillway, we lowered the pond by more than a foot.
Much safer.

 It was minus 16 degrees Fahrenheit (-26.67 degrees Celsius) last night.

Now only a small pool open for the ducks. 

And then there will be Spring and Summer

and Fall, when I love my Pond.

Have a great week my dear 
Blogging Friends.



  1. Wow, Gina, never a dull moment on a farm, is there? Bless you guys for keeping up with all that is involved. I would love to see your pond in summer and fall. ;-) xo

    1. Hello Barbara, Yes, there is always something that needs attention. Come for a visit this Summer or Fall. You will be surprised at the beauty this part of the world has to offer.

  2. Good grief, that is cold! I'm glad you explained the wooden bits with string - I was intrigued as to how they work. And how kind you were to save the fish!
    Your surroundings are incredibly beautiful and interesting - I love hearing your stories which are a window to a different world.

    1. Hello Karen, There never is a dull moment around here. Always something happening. And if it isn't at our house there is always a neighbor who needs a helping hand.

  3. Hello dear Gina,
    You have really done some heavy clearing there with your pond.
    It must be sure cold.! bbbbrrrrr
    Farm work never ends.. life is never boring.
    Amazing how the ideas you have made for anyone crossing a frozen lake .. very helpful.. not that i will be doing that.
    I like the winter photos of your beautiful place..
    happy week
    val xx

    1. Dear Val, See below. I'm still getting used to this Reply feature.

  4. Gorgeous winter images Gina. I keep hoping for some snowy photos but none has passed this way as yet. The winrower does look very sculptural, I could see it dressed with little hanging baskets full of flowers and some morning glory climbing all over it. However, if it repairable then I suppose it should carry on being a workhorse.

    1. Dear Rosemary, I hear that snow is coming your way. I remember seeing a snow covered fairyland of your garden. Was it last year?

  5. Dear Val, You know better than anyone how much work is entailed in keeping a property. Glad you got your influenza and tetanus shots.

  6. Dear Gina,
    Wow-- what an adventure! I can't imagine how you have time to work on your beautiful art with such an amazing property to care for. It looks like quite a huge operation to lower the pond, but I'm sure you'll sleep better knowing it's safer. Your pond rescue devices are ingenious. I live in lake country, and have never seen anything like them. I think I'll send a link to this post to all of my friends and relatives who live on the water-- with the strange warmish winters we're having in Michigan, the ice is presenting more of a danger than ever. Your photos, as usual, are beautiful-- thank you for sharing these beautiful views of your home!
    Warm regards,

  7. Dear Erika, Many years ago I saw a special on TV which showed how people from Alaska, who tavel by snow mobiles, carry these "handles on a rope". We keep ours in a tree, near the pond, just in case. It's a good idea to let your friends, who live by lakes, know of this neat invention. ox, Gina

  8. What a clever system for saving onesself — I just hope you never have to use it! It reminds me of my maternal grandmother who as a child skated across a big lake in Switzerland, days or weeks before she should have. She could hear the ice breaking up behind her, but made it to the other side safely.

    1. Dear Mark, It's true, we hope we never have to use it. I can just see your grandmother racing across the ice. As a young girl I skated along the river bottom, pulling my sleigh, just so I could get to my favorite hill.

  9. Fantastic pictures! Love the space, the views! Must be terrific living where you live, and beautiful in any season.

    1. Hello Marian, thank you for becoming my newest Follower. It is so appreciated. I'm glad that you like my winter scenes. We have plenty of them. It is the Spring time when Nature sings around here. I try not to be too impatient.

  10. Hi Gina

    These photos of your land are just stunning, especially the three seasons looking over the lake and on to the mountains - what a beautiful place to live!

  11. Dear Sharon, How nice that you have come by for a visit. I always look forward to visiting with you via your very special blog. ox, Gina
