Thursday, April 4, 2013

Been painting

 I have been painting Dinner Plates 

For a most charming and lovely Lady from Texas.

who loves Hortensias.

Better known as Hydrangeas around these parts.

Hope you're having a great week.



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Kathy and how nice of you to come for a visit. Gina

  2. Just lovely and an unusual subject to choose which works so successfully.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      that is what I like about special orders. I get to try out new designs and have fun with experimenting. And then there is always the pleasure of meeting a new client and becoming friends.
      ox, Gina

  3. These plates are simply beautiful with the Hortensias.. Simple and so attractive.

    I notice on your side panel where your blog followers are... that my latest 2 posts have not shown up.
    They are appearing on my blog.. but not on my readers list.
    I am so upset. I worked hard on them.
    If you can give me any hints on how to get my blogs up to date..would appreciate it.
    best wishes..
    val xxx

    1. Dear Val, It looks like you have resolved your blogging issues. I have found that when I use Google Chrome for posting I have fewer problems.
      I like your new blog and love the story about your Portuguese Rooster. I never knew the history but remember seeing the rooster everywhere in Portugal. I even bought a purse with a rooster, a purse that was one of my most favorites until it finally gave out. ox, Gina

  4. Dear Gina,
    These plates are so lovely! You really have captured the quality of the hydrangeas beautifully. It's such a wonderful thing that, thanks to technology (I assume your client found you through your beautiful online shop), clients and artists can find each other and produce wonderful projects like this... I've been musing about this lately, as I've been (happily) swamped with work, like you: we're working in such interesting times, when the web is really becoming the go-to source for the handmade, the bespoke...

    Warm regards,

    1. Dear Erika, You are so right. My wonderful client found me through my online shop. I'm not surprised that such places as Etsy, who value hand made items, have become such a popular resource. And in my case, living in the country, I have access to the rest of the world whether I'm buying or selling.
      I am not surprised that you are (happily) swamped. Your shop is full of very beautiful and thoughtful items. ox, Gina

  5. FABULOUS, Gina! Hortensias are one of my favorite flowers. So lush, here in the Northwest - and with so many color choices. Your plates in all their varieties do them justice! Merci for sharing.

    1. Dear Mary, I have seen your fabulous Hydrangeas of the Northwest. Their color variations are the most beautiful. Have not seen such colors anywhere else. Must be a combination of the type of soil you have and, no doubt, the humidity plays a major part. ox, Gina

  6. I'm trying to imagine how you make that inner blue band configure to the shapr of the plate so perfectly. Do you paint it on a wheel?

    1. Dear Mark, You notice the most interesting things! The yellow underside of the plate border I did on the banding wheel. But on the face of the plate, both yellow and blue borders I painted by hand because the shape of this French plate does not lend itself to working with the wheel. A steady hand helps. Most other plates are always painted with the help of a banding wheel.

  7. Hydrangeas and Gardenias were my momma's favorite flowers. The dishes are gorgeous!

    1. Thank you Mary, How nice of you to stop by and leave a comment. I'm not surprised that your Mom likes Hydrangeas and Gardenias. They are both very beautiful. ox, Gina

  8. One whole side of my house is covered in huge hydrangeas, all pink. I love the colours, the shapes and just the beauty of the flower heads. The plates look fantastic. Clever, clever lady, Gina!



  9. Dear Anna, How wonderful! Do you take your hydrangeas inside? I have always loved them dried in huge bouquets. I will have to give my client credit for the design. She also loves hydrangeas and wanted them painted on her plates. ox, Gina
